

"Inaction" is the behavioral characteristic ofTao, which has three meanings:

First, "do not act indiscriminately"In the 16th chapter of Tao Te Ching, Laozi said, "It’s dangerousnot to know how to act normally." This sentence says: if you do not understandthe natural "norm", i.e. do not understand the the laws & rulesof Tao, but to mess around, you will certainly deserve a bad result. Second, "do not act too much"If there is something for you to do, there must be something not to be do. Laozipointed that "all things self-transform" really means that we shouldstick to Tao and focus on being ourselves, instead of browsing others as themain task of life. In this way, we can get unlimited self-growth andself-cultivation in our limited life.Third, "not do something"Look at a person not only by his action abilities, but also by his mindpattern.For example, when a person has done a good deed, he thinks he is great. He alwaysadvertises it everywhere intentionally or unintentionally lest others not know.This is not called "inaction"! "Inaction" is done fromthe heart naturally. This kind of good deeds are not self-aware mostly.For example, most people want something. The more, the better! But Laozisaid that we should grasp the key when doing things, and if we want to getsomething, we have to give up other things-- if we know how to give up, we can getsomething; if our selfishness is too inflated, we want everything and refuse togive up, then there is no place to put what we want ,and finally we must put ourselvesin danger.

From fixed to static, from static to inaction, this is a process of deletingbad habit, temperament, and perfectingnature. Laozi tells us that the method is from action to inaction, and finallyto everything will be achieved. There is also an order in it. At last whenall definitions are gone, and we let nature take its course in everything wedo, the realm has come. Everyone will say, "Let nature take itscourse". It looks very simple, but it is also the most difficult, thegreatest and the most mundane thing to do. Because, if you can really letnature take its course, that is the state of enlightenment!

Therefore, the real preacher never lives in seclusion inthe mountains or in a small house. On the contrary, the really powerfulpeople are often hidden in the crowd, which is the so-called "the small ishidden in the wild, the middle is hidden in the city, and the big is hidden inthe dynasty." Only practicingyour heart in the world of mortals and doing your duty between heaven and earthis the best practice. In "harmonious body and mind my responsibility,harmonious family my responsibility, harmonious enterprise myresponsibility", insist on being yourself well. Once lot comes, the resultwill occur naturally.

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  • 蔡元培:美育與人生