
三星本月早些時候證實,它將把Galaxy Note的“最受喜愛的功能”引入其他Galaxy手機,而外媒一些網站和爆料者則聲稱Galaxy S21 Ultra(型號SMG998B)將提供S-Pen支援。

現在已經有一份檔案截圖表示Galaxy S21 Ultra已經進入了FCC(美國聯邦通訊委員會)資料庫,並且還證實了新手機支援S-Pen。

2.3Test Configuration

The EUT can be configured to receive or transmit an AC power signal through magnetic induction (MI) ormagnetic resonance (MR). The operating frequency range is 110 - 148kHz and can produce a maximum powerof 9W.

During wireless charging testing, one of the devices is configured to be AC power transmitter, and the other isconfigured to be receiver. The charging area of both devices are aligned to provide for maximum power transfer.

The EUT was tested in accordance with the guidance of ANSI C63. 10-2013. See Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of this testreport for a description of the AC line conducted and radiated emissions test setups, respectively.

The EUT can also used with a stylus device (S-PEN). The EUToperates with the S-PEN in two different inductivecoupling modes of S-PEN motion detection (Hover and Click) operating in the range of 0.53 - O.6MHz. The EUTwas set to continuously transmit to the S-PEN in each of the two modes.





根據ANSI C63指南對EUT進行測試。2013年10月。有關交流線路傳導和輻射發射試驗裝置的說明,請參見本試驗報告第3.2節和第3.3節。

不過,不要指望S-Pen隨Galaxy S21 Ultra一起提供,但是它可能會與手機捆綁在一起作為某些促銷的一部分。


另外,FCC檔案還確認了其他幾個預期的功能:無線功能,例如UWB功能,NFC,無線功率傳輸(即反向無線充電),無線充電和Wi-Fi 6E。

三星Galaxy S21 Ultra即將回歸配備S-Pen,對此你怎麼看?

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