iOS 14.4 includes the following improvements for your iPhone:
Smaller QR codes can be recognized by CameraOption to classify Bluetooth device type in Settings for correct identification of headphones for audio notificationsNotifications for when the camera on your iPhone is unable to be verified as a new, genuine Apple camera in iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro MaxThis release also fixes the following issues:
Image artifacts could appear in HDR photos taken with iPhone 12 ProFitness widget may not display updated Activity dataTyping may be delayed and word suggestions may not appear in the keyboardThe keyboard may not come up in the correct language in MessagesAudio stories from the News app in CarPlay may not resume after being paused for spoken directions or SiriEnabling Switch Control in Accessibility may prevent phone calls from being answered from the Lock ScreeniOS 14.4 包含對 iPhone 的以下改進:較小的二維碼可以透過相機識別在“設定”中對藍芽裝置型別進行分類的選項,以便正確識別音訊通知耳機iPhone 上的攝像頭無法在 iPhone 12、iPhone 12 mini、iPhone 12 Pro 和 iPhone 12 Pro Max 中驗證為新的正版 Apple 攝像頭的通知此版本還修復了以下問題:影象工件可能出現在使用 iPhone 12 Pro 拍攝的 HDR 照片中健身小部件可能不顯示更新的活動資料打字可能會延遲,單詞建議可能不會出現在鍵盤中鍵盤可能無法出現在“資訊”中的正確語言中在暫停口語指示或 Siri 後,CarPlay 中 News 應用的音訊故事可能無法恢復在輔助功能中啟用開關控制可能會阻止從鎖定螢幕接聽電話熱門排行
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