
Older Pixel phones are having serious camera issues, according to owners

Recent one-star Play Store reviews(v. 回顧;複習(review的三單形式);檢驗) mention camera failures in older Pixel phones


Some owners of previous-generation Pixel phones are having serious trouble with their cameras. Android Police has noticed a recent increase in one-star Play Store reviews for the camera app used by the Pixel, with frustrated(adj. 懊惱的,沮喪的;無效的,沒有得到滿足的;失意的,不得志的;(性慾)被抑制的) owners saying the camera often crashes([交] 猛撞) upon opening or no longer works at all. A thread (執行緒螺紋多執行緒)in Google’s Pixel support forum(n. 論壇,討論會;) features similar complaints. The Pixel 2 XL seems to be cited most often for experiencing the problem, but some posters (n. 海報,宣傳海報;招貼(poster的複數))say they’re having trouble with devices as recent as the 3 or 4A.

上一代畫素手機的一些使用者的相機出現了嚴重問題。Android Police注意到,最近Pixel所使用的攝像頭應用在Play Store中獲得的一星評價有所增加,失望的使用者表示,攝像頭經常在開啟時崩潰或根本無法工作。在谷歌的畫素支援論壇的一個執行緒也有類似的抱怨。人們最常提到的問題是Pixel 2xl,但也有一些人表示,他們在最近的3或4A等裝置上遇到了問題。

It’s not an entirely new problem. Android Police has been tracking(n. 追蹤,跟蹤

v. 跟蹤(track的ing形式)) camera issues that have plagued (v. 困擾(plague的過去分詞);折磨)Pixel 2 phones primarily (adv. 首先;主要地,根本上)over the last year, and it notes more devices seem to be affected now. Owners say that Google’s suggested fixes don’t remedy(n. 補救;療法;解決辦法;(硬幣的)公差v. 補救,糾正,改進;治療) the problem and that they experience the same problem when using third-party camera apps. The Pixel 2 series recently got its last security update, but there’s no logical reason why the camera should stop functioning as a result.這並不是一個全新的問題。Android警方在過去一年中一直在追蹤困擾Pixel 2手機的攝像頭問題,並指出現在似乎有更多裝置受到了影響。使用者表示,谷歌建議的修復並不能解決這個問題,他們在使用第三方相機應用程式時也會遇到同樣的問題。Pixel 2系列最近進行了最後一次安全升級,但沒有理由認為攝像頭會因此停止工作。

It’s an unfortunate bug, especially considering that many folks(n. (複數)人們) chose a Pixel phone because of its high-quality camera. While Pixel image quality has fallen (落下,跌落) behind(在……後面) other flagship competition(競爭) recently, budget(廉價的) devices like the 4A and 4A 5G offer some of the best cameras in their class. But the best camera is the one that keeps functioning when you need it, so we hope to see Google address(設法解決) these user concerns.(擔心擔憂) We’ve reached out to Google asking for confirmation of the issue and if a fix is on the way and will update this article with any information we get.

這是一個不幸的漏洞,尤其是考慮到很多人選擇畫素手機是因為其高質量的攝像頭。雖然畫素影象質量最近落後於其他旗艦競爭對手,但像4A和4A 5G這樣的廉價裝置提供了同類產品中最好的一些相機。但是最好的相機是能在你需要的時候一直執行的,所以我們希望谷歌能解決使用者的這些問題。我們已經聯絡到谷歌,要求確認這個問題以及是否正在進行修復,如果有任何資訊,我們將更新這篇文章。

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