1. Stephen ___ up and caught the ball in one hand.斯蒂芬跳起來一手接住了球。
2. ‘Pass me that pen, ___ you?’ ‘Here you are. Catch!’“把那隻鋼筆遞給我,好嗎?”“給你,接著!”
3. The kids were throwing and catching a frisbee down ___ the beach.小孩子們在海灘那邊拋接飛盤。
4. He caught her ___ to steady her.他一把抓住她的肘部讓她站穩。
5. Miss Perry caught hold of my sleeve and ___ me back.佩裡小姐抓住我的袖子,把我拉了回來。
6. ‘You can’t catch me!’ she ___, running away.“你抓不到我的!”她大聲叫著跑開了。
7. State police have launched a massive ___ to catch the murderer.州警方展開了大規模的行動抓捕兇手。
8. If you go back to the city, you’re bound to ___ caught.如果你回到城裡,肯定會被抓住。
9. I caught him ___ my private letters.我看到他在偷看我的私人信件。
10. Gemma turned around and caught the stranger looking at her ___.傑瑪轉過身來,發現那個陌生人正盯著她看。
11. The gang was caught in the ___ of unloading the cigarettes.那夥人在卸香菸時當場被抓。
12. He was caught ___-handed taking money from the cash register.他從現金出納機偷錢時被當場抓住。
13. We know he’d been ___, but we’d never caught him at it before.我們知道他一直在做手腳,不過我們以前從未當場抓到過他。
14. Anton caught malaria in Mali, and ___ died.安東在馬裡染上瘧疾,差點丟了性命。
15. Many young people are still ___ about how HIV is caught.許多年輕人對艾滋病毒是如何染上的仍然一無所知。
16. Typhoid and cholera are often caught from ___ water supplies.傷寒和霍亂通常是經由受汙染的水源傳播的。
17. I caught children pox ___ my friend at school.我從學校裡的一個朋友那裡傳染了水痘。
18. Don’t stand out in the rain. You’ll catch your ___.別站在外面淋雨,你會得重感冒的。
19. Her question caught him off ___.她的問題讓他措手不及。
20. He’s not the first politician to be caught with his ___ down, and he won’t be the last.他不是第一個陷入窘境的政客,也不會是最後一個。
21. Did you ___ any fish?你捕到魚了嗎?
22. Early settlers caught rabbits and squirrels and even rats in order to ___.早期移民為了生存而捕食野兔、松鼠,甚至老鼠。
23. I caught the 7.15 train ___ London.我趕上了7點15分的火車去倫敦。
24. There’s a train ___ now. If you run, you’ll just catch it.現在有一班火車,如果你跑過去正好能趕上。
25. I have to ___ — I have a bus to catch.我得趕緊了,我要趕一班公共汽車。
26. I managed to catch her just ___ she was leaving.我就在她正要走時趕上了她。
27. I just caught the last few minutes of the ___.我只趕上了這部紀錄片的最後幾分鐘。
28. Tumors like these can be ___ quite easily if they’re caught early enough.這類腫瘤只要及時發現,就很容易治好。
29. His overalls caught ___ the engine.他的工作服卡在引擎裡了。
30. Her microphone was forever getting caught ___ her clothes.她的麥克風老是被衣服鉤住。
31. Lucie whistled ___ to catch the other girl’s attention.露西尖聲地吹口哨以吸引另外那個女孩的注意。
32. This is a story that will catch the ___ of every child.這個故事會激發每個孩子的想象力。
33. I’m ___ I didn’t catch your name.不好意思,我沒聽清你的名字。
34. I caught the muffled thud of a car door ___ in the street.我聽到街上一聲悶響,是一輛汽車關門的聲音。
35. ‘I’ll give you a call in a couple of days.’ ‘Okay. Catch you ___.’“我過幾天給你電話。”“好的,再見。”
36. We could ___ a movie.我們可以去看一場電影。
37. M Records caught his act and ___ him immediately. M唱片公司看了他的表演後當即和他簽約。
38. I caught a ___ as far as Columbus.我搭便車一直到了哥倫布。
39. I love dancing but you won’t catch me ___ the first on the dance floor!我很喜歡跳舞,但我決不會第一個走進舞池。
40. You’ll catch ___ if Dad finds out.如果被爸爸發現的話你會受罰的。
41. Fans waited for hours at the airport to catch a glimpse of their ___.歌迷們在機場等候多時,想一睹偶像的風采。
42. I caught ___ of her in the crowd.我在人群裡看到了她。
43. His novel catches the ___ of post-war Britain.他的小說成功地刻畫了英國戰後的氣氛。
44. Two farm workers died when a ___ caught fire.穀倉失火,兩名農場工人死亡。
45. For some reason, the charcoal wasn’t ___.不知怎的,木炭點不著。
46. Out on the freeway, a billboard caught his ___.在高速公路上,一塊大廣告牌吸引了他的注意。
47. Every time she caught his eye, she would ___ away embarrassed.每次遇到他的目光,她都會窘迫地往別處看。
48. Standing there listening to the song, he caught himself smiling from ___ to ear.他站在那裡聽著那首歌,忽然發現自己在咧著嘴笑。
49. The punch caught him ___ in the face.這一拳正好打在他的臉上。
50. We got caught ___ a rainstorm on the way here.過來的路上我們遇到了暴風雨。
51. Here’s a useful ___ if you’re caught without a mirror.如果你沒有鏡子,這是個有用的方法。
52. ___ on a minute — let me catch my breath!稍等一下,讓我歇口氣!
53. It was an enforced absence from work, but at least gave me a little time to catch my ___ before the final push.我是迫不得已沒上班,但是這至少給了我一點時間,讓我在作最後衝刺之前可以喘口氣。
54. Place the baking sheet under the muffin pan to catch the ___.把烘烤盤放在鬆餅鍋下面接住滴落的油。
55. The sunlight caught her hair and ___ it to gold.陽光照在她的頭髮上,把它染成了金色。
56. You’ve caught the ___ on the back of your neck.你脖子後面被曬紅了。
57. Gary swung the sail ___ to catch the light wind.加里把帆轉過來使它迎著微風。
58. She caught ___ his arm, ‘Hang on. I’m coming with you.’她伸手去抓住他的手臂:“等一下,我和你一起去。”
59. The idea of glasses being a ___ item has been slow to catch on.眼鏡成為一種時尚之物的概念很久才流行開來。
60. It was a long time before the police caught ___ to what he was really doing.過了很久警方才明白過來他究竟在幹什麼。
61. The interviewer may try to catch you ___.考官可能誘使你犯錯。
62. Even the best whitewater ___ get caught out by the fierce rapids here.即使是最優秀的激流泛舟者也會在這洶湧的水流中遇險。
63. If you ___ a lot of classes, it’ very difficult to catch up.如果你缺課很多,就很難趕上。
64. At the moment our technology is more advanced, but other countries are catching up ___ us.目前我們的技術比較先進,但其他國家正在趕上來。
65. Drive faster — they’re catching ___ with us.開快點,他們要趕上我們了。
66. You go on ___. I’ll catch up in a minute.你先走,我稍後就追上你。
67. I have some work to catch up ___.我還有一些工作要趕著做。
68. I need to catch ___ on some sleep.我需要補充些睡眠。
69. When I got home I phoned Jo to catch up on all the ___.我回家後就給喬打電話,打聽所有的小道訊息。
70. I’ll leave you two ___ — I’m sure you’ve got a lot of catching up to do.我走開讓你們兩單獨待著吧,你們肯定有很多話要說。
71. I didn’t want to get caught up in endless ___ arguments.我可不想捲入無休止的雞毛蒜皮的爭吵中。
72. It took six years for the law to catch ___ them.用了六年時間才將他們繩之以法。
73. At the end of the movie his ___ past catches up with him.在電影結尾,他還是擺脫不了那個不清白的過去。
74. Hey! Nice ___!嘿!多漂亮的接球!
75. This deal looks too good to be true — there must be a ___ somewhere.這筆交易好得難以置信 — 其中必有圈套。
76. The catch is that you can’t ___ the competition unless you’ve spent $100 in the store.圈套在於,你得在該店消費100美元,否則你就不能參加比賽。
77. Let’s go outside and play ___.我們到外面去玩接球遊戲吧。
78. There was a catch in Anne’s voice and she seemed close to ___.安妮的聲音有點哽咽,她好像快要哭了。
朗文當代高階英語詞典[M]. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014
1 leapt 2 would 3 on 4 elbow 5 pulled 6 yelled 7 operation 8 get 9 reading 10 intently 11 act 12 red 13 cheating 14 nearly 15 ignorant 16 contaminated 17 off 18 death 19 guard 20 pants 21 catch 22 survive 23 to 24 in 25 hurry 26 as 27 documentary 28 treated 29 in 30 on 31 sharply 32 imagination 33 afraid 34 slamming 35 later 36 catch 37 signed 38 ride 39 being 40 it 41 idol 42 sight 43 mood 44 barn 45 catching 46 eye 47 glance 48 ear 49 right 50 in 51 tip 52 Hang 53 breath 54 drips 55 turned 56 sun 57 round 58 at 59 fashion 60 on 61 out 62 rafters 63 miss 64 with 65 up 66 ahead 67 on 68 up 69 gossip 70 alone 71 pretty 72 with 73 murky 74 catch 75 catch 76 enter 77 catch 78 tears