
去年,俄羅斯做了斷網試驗。我們做了斷網試驗演習嗎?未雨綢繆,防患於未然。假如,美國將給中國40天的緩衝之後就徹底斷網。我們能否應對?建議立即制定和實施“網路諾亞方舟”方案,保護重要資料和基礎設施。(新華社 楊兆波)翻譯——[High-end strategic think tank] Russia conducted a disconnection test last year. Did we do a test drill for disconnection? Take precautions and take precautions. If the United States will give China a 40-day buffer, it will be completely disconnected from the Internet. Can we cope? It is recommended to immediately develop and implement the "Network Noah's Ark" plan to protect important data and infrastructure.

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