

海 a school of fish 一群魚

a school/shiver of sharks 一群鯊魚

陸 a litter of kittens 一群小貓

a litter of puppies 一群小狗

a nuisance/clowder of cats 一群貓

a pack of dog 一群狗

a pack of wolves 一群狼

a tribe of monkeys 一群猴子

a pride of lions 一群獅子

a stable of horses 一群馬

a herd of cattle 一群牛

a herd of cows 一群牛

a herd of giraffes 一群長頸鹿

an army of ants 一群螞蟻

a sleuth of bears 一群熊

a colny of penguins 一群企鵝

a mob/troop of kangaroos 一群袋鼠

空 a flock of birds 一群鳥

a murder of crows 一群烏鴉

a swarm/flight of butterflies 一群蝴蝶

a swarm/hive/grist of bees 一群蜜蜂

a cloud/colony of bats 一群蝙蝠

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