
發一篇文章不用容易,特別是基礎科研,但是也不能不誠信。一旦文章被撤稿,得不償失,無論是個人還是課題組都有損學術聲譽。其中在這麼多撤稿文章中,圖片重複使用是最常見的撤稿原因,例如下面這篇文章就是因為存在多張圖片重複使用的問題被撤回,文章發表在Cell and Tissue Research,該期刊的影響因子:4.044,審稿週期較快。

文章題目:Retraction Note to: Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) as a pro-osteogenic agent to enhance osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from human bone marrow: an in vitro study


The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article [1] because there appear to be numerous duplications within Figs. 2, 3, 5 and 6(多張圖片存在重複性). Due to these duplications, the Editor-in-Chief no longer has confidence in the data and subsequent conclusions drawn from them.

Huayu Wu agrees to this retraction. Li Zheng agrees with the retraction but does not does not agree with the wording. Pan Jin does not agree with the retraction. Guojie Xu and Jinmin Zhao have not responded to any correspondence from the publisher about this retraction.

參考文章:Jin P, Wu H, Xu G et al (2014) Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) as a pro-osteogenic agent to enhance osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from human bone marrow: an in vitro study. Cell Tissue Res 356:381–390. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00441-014-1797-9


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