
These Celebrities Received the Coronavirus Vaccine Already


The Coronavirus vaccine is slowly being rolled out across the globe in an effort to vaccinate as many people as possible as the pandemic continues.


The United States is in the middle of a second wave of cases and the vaccine was just approved for use in healthcare workers. In the UK, healthcare workers and senior citizens have begun being vaccinated as well. So far, there are two Coronavirus vaccines approved for use in the US: Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine and Moderna’s vaccine. There are other vaccines currently in phase three trials as well.


We’ve compiled a list of all of the celebrities who have been vaccinated so far against COVID-19. We expect this list to keep growing as more and more receive access to the vaccine and become eligible to receive it.


See which celebs and public figures have already been vaccinated against COVID-19


President Elect Joe Biden


President elect Joe Biden has officially been vaccinated on Monday (December 21). He got dose one live on television to instill confidence in the vaccine.


.@ABC News SPECIAL REPORT: President-elect Joe Biden gets COVID-19 vaccine. WATCH LIVE: https://t.co/9jNiq64Ar3

— ABC News (@ABC) December 21, 2020


Ian McKellen


Sir Ian McKellen was one of the first celebrities to receive the vaccine. The 81-year-old Lord of the Rings actor was given the first of two doses at London’s Queen Mary’s University Hospital on Wednesday (December 16).


“It’s a very special day, I feel euphoric,” Ian said after receiving the vaccine.

“Anyone who has lived as long as I have is alive because they have had previous vaccinations,” Ian continued, “the take up amongst the older generation will be 100 percent — it ought to be — because you’re having it not just for yourself but for people who you are close to — you’re doing your bit for society.”


“It’s a very special day, I feel euphoric. I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone. I feel very lucky to have had the vaccine.”

It’s a thumbs up from Sir @IanMckellen who received the first dose of his #CovidVaccine today https://t.co/W6JtOiwciR pic.twitter.com/otfqkj7I9J

— NHS London (@NHSEnglandLDN) December 16, 2020



Great British Bakeoff’s Prue Leith


Prue, 80, posted a photo on her Twitter,

Who wouldn't want immunity from #Covid19 with a painless jab?? #vaccine pic.twitter.com/BP8VTvAF9u

— Prue Leith (@PrueLeith) December 15, 2020



-Prue Leith(@PrueLeith)2020年12月15日

Oliver Stone

奧利弗·斯通:著名美國導演、編劇、製作人。1986年,執導“越戰三部曲”系列的第一部——戰爭片《野戰排》 。1987年,憑藉戰爭片《野戰排》獲得第59屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演獎 。1989年,執導戰爭片《生於七月四日》,而他也憑藉該片獲得第62屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演獎。

“I got a vaccine shot. I don’t know if it’s going to work, I got it a few days ago. I’ve heard good things about the Russian vaccine. I have to get a second shot in 45 days. But I’m hopeful. It’s a very good vaccine, I don’t understand why it’s being ignored in the West,” he explained.


Vice President Mike Pence


Vice President Mike Pence got the vaccine live on television on Friday (December 18). His wife Karen and the Surgeon General Jerome Adams also received the vaccine at the same time.


BREAKING: Vice Pres. Mike Pence receives COVID-19 vaccine. https://t.co/D3NZXWFj5S pic.twitter.com/dDWzaLUMi0

— ABC News (@ABC) December 18, 2020



Senator Elizabeth Warren


Senator Elizabeth Warren announced she received the vaccine.


At the advice of the Office of the Attending Physician for the continuity of government, I received the first of two shots of the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. The vaccine is safe, effective, and will save lives. pic.twitter.com/d1lyB8lYYs

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) December 19, 2020



Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


If you have any questions or unease about the COVID vaccine, I got you!

I’d *never* ask you to do something I wasn’t willing to do myself.

Yday per national security policy (PPD40), Congress began getting vaccinated.

I took the jab & am here to answer your questions. Ask away! pic.twitter.com/ZyBgXi7kRl

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) December 19, 2020





-Alexandria Ocasio Cortez(@AOC)2020年12月19日

Mitch McConnell

美國參議院多數黨領袖 米奇·麥康奈爾:此人此前強調在公共場合戴口罩並遵循社會疏導準則

“Just received the safe, effective COVID vaccine following continuity-of-government protocols. Vaccines are how we beat this virus. Now back to continue fighting for a rescue package including a lot more money for distribution so more Americans can receive it as fast as possible,” Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, tweeted on December 18.

參議院多數黨領袖米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)12月18日在推特上寫道:“遵循政府的存續運作狀態規定,剛剛注射了安全、有效的疫苗。疫苗是我們戰勝這種病毒的方法。現在我們要回去繼續爭取一個救援方案,包括更多用於分發的資金,以便更多的美國人能夠儘快注射疫苗。”

Mitt Romney


Senator Mitt Romney announced he got vaccinated.


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