
文 | 季益廣


1. Could you ___ my bag for me?你能幫我拿著包嗎?

2. He was holding a knife ___ one hand.他手中拿著一把刀。

3. I held the baby in my ___.我把寶寶抱在懷裡。

4. They sat ___ hands under a tree.他們手拉手坐在樹下。

5. Max held her close and ___ away her tears.馬克斯抱緊她並給她擦去眼淚。

6. He held out his hand to help her to her ___.他伸出手幫助她站起來。

7. Hold the picture ___ so we can see it.把圖片舉高好讓我們看到。

8. This year’s conference will be held ___ the Hilton Hotel.今年的會議將在希爾頓酒店召開。

9. A thanksgiving ceremony was held to ___ the occasion.舉行一個感恩儀式以慶祝這一特別的時刻。

10. The funeral was held ___ a grey day in November.葬禮在11月的一個陰天舉行。

11. In April, the President held talks ___ Chinese leaders.4月,總統和中國領導人舉行了會談。

12. We used ___-up newspapers to hold the windows open.我們用捲起的報紙抵住窗戶讓它們開著。

13. Remember to hold your head up and keep your back ___.記住要抬頭挺胸。

14. A couple of screws should hold it in ___.幾個螺釘就可以把它固定住了。

15. ___ your head off the floor and hold this position for five seconds.把頭抬離地面,保持這個姿勢五分鐘。

16. Do you really think he’s ___ of holding such a responsible position?你真的認為他能擔任這個責任重大的職位嗎?

17. She was the first woman to hold the ___ of Australian state premier.她是第一位擔任澳大利亞州總理的女性。

18. The governor had held the ___ since 1989.那位州長自1989年起一直在任。

19. ___ is elected will hold office for four years.當選者任期為四年。

20. The program still holds the record for the longest ___ TV series.該節目仍然保持著播放時間最長的電視系列節目這一記錄。

21. The last Briton to hold the ___ was Bert Nicholson.最後一名擁有該稱號的英國人是伯特·尼科爾森。

22. Further ___ of the book are held in the library.這本書在圖書館還存有一些。

23. Weapons were held ___ various sites.武器存放在不同地點。

24. We can hold the ___ for you until next Friday.我們可以把您的預定保留到下星期五。

25. You can’t expect them to hold the job ___ for much longer — you’ll have to decide whether you want it or not.不要以為他們還會保留這個空缺職位很長時間 — 你必須決定要不要接受。

26. Police are holding two men in ___ with the robbery.警方拘留了同搶劫案有關聯的兩名男子。

27. A senior army officer was held ___ for four months.一名高階軍官被扣押為人質達四個月。

28. Experts hold varying opinions ___ to the causes of the disease.專家們對該病的病因各持不同意見。

29. This view is not ___ held.持這種觀點的人並不多見。

30. She was held to be one of the most ___ actors of her time.她被認為是她那個時代最有天賦的演員之一。

31. The judge held that the child’s interest in this case must ___ first.法官認為,該案必須首先考慮孩子的利益。

32. If anything happens to her, I’ll hold you ___ responsible.如果她出了什麼事,我就唯你是問。

33. He may have had a terrible childhood, but he should still be held ___ for his own actions.他的童年也許是很不幸,但他仍然要為自己的行為負責。

34. He holds ___ in ICI.他持有帝國化學工業集團的股份。

35. Do you hold a ___ passport?你持有有效護照嗎?

36. He inherits a ___ held company.他繼承了一傢俬有公司。

37. The movie theater ___ 500 people.這家電影院能容納500人。

38. The tank should hold enough to ___ us a few days.油箱應該可以存足夠的油,讓我們用上幾天。

39. Careful! I’m not sure that ___ will hold you.小心!我覺得那根樹枝承受不了你的體重。

40. The bridge didn’t look as ___ it would hold.那座橋似乎要撐不住了。

41. The bank is holding ___ rates at 4%.銀行將利率維持在4%。

42. Since then, the pound was held ___ against the dollar.從那時起,英鎊對美元的匯率一直保持穩定。

43. Colorful pictures help ___ the students’ interest.色彩繽紛的圖片有助於使學生保持興趣。

44. ___ I said yesterday holds.我昨天說的仍然有效。

46. Twenty years on, his advice still holds ___.過了二十年,他的建議依然適用。

47. If our luck holds, we could ___ the final.如果繼續走運,我們有望進入決賽。

48. I’ll have a tuna fish ___ please — and hold the mayo.請給我來一份金槍魚三明治 — 不要蛋黃醬。

49. Hold ___! We’re not quite ready.等等!我們還沒準備好呢。

50. They may have lost the game, but I still think they’ve ___ the right to hold their heads high today.他們也許是輸掉了這場比賽,但我仍然認為今天他們有權利昂首挺胸。

51. Hold your ___ and count to ten.屏住呼吸數到十。

52. Julie ___ back against the wall and held her breath.朱莉縮到牆邊,屏住呼吸。

53. He promised he’d phone, but I’m not holding my ___.他答應要打電話的,不過我可不指望他會打。

54. The President urged his party to hold ___ on the issue a few days longer.總統敦促他的政黨在這個問題上再忍耐幾天,不要“開火”。

55. Mr. Stevens is busy at the moment — ___ you like to hold?史蒂文斯先生現在正忙,你要等嗎?

56. Please hold the line while I ___ you.請稍等,我給你轉接。

57. The French army ___ the town for three days.法軍在這個鎮防守了三天。

58. Thousands of workers are waiting to ___ what the future holds.幾千名工人對未來的局勢拭目以待。

59. Many church services hold little ___ for modern tastes.許多教堂的禮拜儀式對於現代人缺乏吸引力。

60. He was a good enough player to hold his own ___t the Americans.他是個優秀的球員,有足夠的能力與美國人較量。

61. He was left holding the financial ___ when his musical partner joined another band.他的音樂搭檔加入了另一支樂隊,所以在經濟上他不得不獨立承擔。

62. Among people here, traditional values still hold ___.在這裡的人們當中,傳統的價值觀仍占主導地位。

63. Joey would walk into the bar and hold ___ all night.喬伊進了酒吧就會成為人們整晚注意的焦點。

64. I reckon you’ve just got to hold your ___.我認為你要學會管好你的嘴巴。

65. ‘There’s not much we can do. They seem to hold all the ___,’ said Dan gloomily.“我們沒什麼辦法了,他們好像已經佔了絕對優勢。”丹沮喪地說。

66. She’s holding the ___ while the manager’s on holiday.經理休假,她負責處理事務。

67. Celtic held the ___ in the first half.在上半場比賽中,凱爾特人隊領先。

68. We were facing the loss of everything we held ___.我們面臨著失去全部所愛的可能。

69. You can’t still hold that ___ him, surely?你不會還對他懷恨在心,是吧?

70. Police in ___ gear held back the demonstrators.配有防暴裝備的警察擋住了示威者。

71. She struggled to hold ___ her tears.她竭力忍住眼淚。

72. ___ flooded through her. She couldn’t hold it back.她怒火中燒,無法控制。

73. They felt the British economy was held back by ___ government controls.他們感到,由於政府的過度控制,英國的經濟發展受到了阻礙。

74. In the ___ situation many investors are holding back.在目前的形勢下,許多投資者退縮了。

75. She wanted to tell him but her ___ held her back.她想告訴他,可是自尊讓她猶豫了。

76. Tell me all about it — don’t hold anything ___!把這事全都告訴我,什麼都別隱瞞!

77. We had to hold the tent ___ with rocks to stop it blowing away.我們只好用石塊將帳篷壓住免得被吹走。

78. It ___ three strong men to hold him down.三個壯漢才制住了他。

79. We will ___ to hold down prices.我們將力求抑制住價格上漲。

80. He’s never held down a job for ___ than a few weeks.他從來沒有把一份工作保住幾周以上。

81. The people were held down for centuries by their ___.這個民族被征服者壓制了幾個世紀。

82. The speaker was holding ___ on the collapse of modern society.演說者正在就現代社會的崩潰大發議論。

83. Buyers have been holding ___ until the price falls.買家們一直按兵不動,等待價格下跌。

84. Hold off ___ your decision until Monday.等到星期一再作決定吧。

85. Not ___ a gun could hold him off forever.即使用槍也不能永遠擋住他。

87. The rain held off ___ after the game.這場雨直到比賽結束才開始下。

88. Hold on a minute! ___ that your brother’s car over there?等一下!那邊不是你兄弟的車嗎?

89. Can you hold ___? I’ll try to find her.請別掛好嗎?我去找找她看。

90. Hold on ___!抓緊了!

91. Hold on ___ my arm.抓緊我的胳膊。

92. San Francisco held on to ___ 4-2.舊金山隊頑強拼搏,以4比2贏得比賽。

93. The soldiers held on to the bridge for three ___ days.士兵們又把這座橋守了三天。

94. I think I’ll hold on to these old records for ___.我想我會暫時保留這些老唱片的。

95. Negotiators aren’t holding ___ much hope of a peaceful settlement.談判人員對和平解決並不抱很大希望。

96. They are considering the ___ methods which hold out the promise of improved health.他們正在考慮一些可望改善健康狀況的其他辦法。

97. Water ___ won’t hold out much longer.供水維持不了多久了。

98. The rebels held out for another night but then ___ forces arrived.叛亂分子又守了一個晚上,但是接著增援部隊到了。

99. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out against their ___ questioning.對於他們沒完沒了的盤問我不知道自己還能堅持多久。

100. Transport workers are holding out for a 20% pay ___.運輸業工作者堅持要求加薪20%。

101. She must have been holding out ___ him all these years.這些年來她肯定一直瞞著他。

102. The matter was held over for further ___.這件事被擱置起來待進一步審議。

103. He knows I’ve been in prison and is holding it ___me.他知道我曾坐過牢,便以此要挾我。

104. He admitted he did not hold ___ the traditional view of God.他承認自己不認同對上帝的傳統看法。

105. ‘I’’ ask him tomorrow.’ ‘Ok, but I’m going to hold you to ___.’“我明天問他。”“好吧,不過我要你說話算數。”

106. Norway held Holland to a 2-2 ___.挪威隊以2比2逼平荷蘭隊。

107. ___ all expectations, the coalition held together well.和各種預料截然相反,這個聯盟很團結。

108. In those days the Church held the community ___.在那個年代,教會將社群團結在一起。

109. Incredibly, the raft held together till we reached the ___ shore.真令人難以置信,筏子一直把我們載到對岸還沒散架。

110. I ___ how the structure was held together.我不知道這個結構是怎麼結合在一起的。

111. The roof is held up by massive stone ___.屋頂是用幾根粗大的石柱支撐住的。

112. Sorry I’m late — I was held up ___ work.對不起我來晚了,我被工作耽擱了。

113. Two armed men held up a ___ liquor store last night.昨晚兩名持槍男子搶劫了市中心一家售酒的商店。

114. His ___ condition has held up well.他的身體保養得非常好。

115. The school is held up as a ___ for others.這所學校被樹為其他學校的榜樣。

116. This incident will be held up as ___ that tougher controls are needed.該事件將作為需要採取更嚴格的控制措施的明證。

117. He says he doesn’t hold ___ all this politically correct stuff.他說他並不贊成這些政治上正確的東西。

118. I don’t hold with ___ children in any circumstances.在任何情況下我都不贊成打孩子。

119. She ___ her tight hold on the dog.她鬆開被她緊緊牽住的狗。

120. He ___ his hold, refusing to let her go.他抓得更緊了,不讓她走。

121. Make sure you ___ hold of my hand when we cross the road.過馬路時你一定要抓住我的手。

122. I took hold of her hand and gently let her ___.我抓住她的手,小心地帶她離開。

123. Grab hold of the rope and ___ yourself up.抓住繩子爬上來。

124. I need to ___ hold of a car.我得找一輛車。

125. She managed to get hold of a ___.她設法弄到了一本。

126. I must get hold of Vanessa to see if she can ___.我必須找到瓦妮莎,看看她能不能照看一下孩子。

127. He struggled to get hold of his ___.他盡力控制住自己的情緒。

128. I’ve always kept a tight hold of our ___.我一直牢牢控制著我們的經濟收入。

129. I realized that the woman had a hold ___ my father.我意識到那個女人控制著我父親。

130. The plans are ___ hold until after the election.那些計劃被推遲到選舉以後。

131. Since having the kids, my career has been ___ on hold.自從有了孩子,我的事業被擱置下來。

132. We try not to ___ people on hold for more than a couple of minutes.我們儘量不讓打電話的人等候超過幾分鐘。

133. The agent put me on while she ___ a colleague.經紀人讓我等著,她去問一個同事。

134. The fever was beginning to ___ hold.發燒開始厲害起來。

135. Where on ___ did you get hold of that idea?你這想法到底是哪裡來的?

136. The cliff was ___ and it was difficult to find a hold.懸崖陡峭,很難找到攀踏的地方。

137. It seems there are no holds barred when it ___ to making a profit.賺錢謀利似乎可以不擇手段。


朗文當代高階英語詞典[M]. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 hold 2 in 3 arms 4 holding 5 wiped 6 feet 7 up 8 at 9 mark 10 on 11 with 12 rolled 13 straight 14 place 15 Lift 16 capable 17 office 18 post 19 Whoever 20 running 21 title 22 copies 23 at 24 reservation 25 open 26 connection 27 hostage 28 as 29 widely 30 talented 31 come 32 personally 33 accountable 34 shares 35 valid 36 privately 37 holds 38 last 39 branch 40 though 41 interest 42 steady 43 hold 44 What 45 hold 46 good 47 reach 48 sandwich 49 it 50 earned 51 breath 52 shrank 53 breath 54 fire 55 would 56 transfer 57 held 58 see 59 appeal 60 against 61 baby 62 sway 63 court 64 tongue 65 cards 66 fort 67 lead 68 dear 69 against 70 riot 71 back 72 Anger 73 excessive 74 current 75 pride 76 back 77 down 78 took 79 aim 80 longer 81 conquerors 82 forth 83 off 84 making 85 even 86 crowd 87 until 88 Isn’t 89 on 90 tight 91 to 92 win 93 more 94 now 95 out 96 alternative 97 supplies 98 fresh 99 relentless 100 rise 101 on 102 review 103 over 104 to 105 that 106 draw 107 Against 108 together 109 opposite 110 wondered 111 pillars 112 at 113 downtown 114 physical 115 model 116 proof 117 with 118 hitting 119 released 120 tightened 121 keep 122 away 123 pull 124 get 125 copy 126 babysit 127 emotions 128 finances 129 over 130 on 131 put 132 keep 133 consulted 134 take 135 earth 136 steep 137 comes

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