


The Big Box

The Haircut

The Hedgehog

The Library

The Little Red Hen

The Lost Teddy

Floppy's Fun Phonics

Floppy Did This

floppy floppy

fun at the beach

good trick

six in a bed

The pancake

who is it



Tigers Family

The Big Carrot

My Dad


Kipper's Dairy

Is Dad in Here

Hello Grandma

Family Poems


Clothes for_the_Rain


Can You See Me

Big Feet

big bad bug

A Home for Ted

at the park

Fancy dress

Go away Floppy

good dog

good old mum

Hide and seek

Look at me


reds and blues

see me skip

the headache

the ice cream

the mud pie

the pet shop

what a din


A Dog's Day

Ant and the Baby


Dont Jump on the Bed Fred


My Cat Moggy

Paco's Pet


Rabbit on the Run


The King and His Wish

The Ox and the Yak

The Snowman

The Toys Party

The Wobbly Tooth

Tortoise Tortoise

What is it

a new_dog

a present for mum

A Sinking Feeling

Creepy Crawly

Hey Presto

in a bit

It’s the Weather

monkey tricks

Naughty Children

new trainers

poor floppy

put it back

the big egg

the dream

the go kart

the hole in the sand

what a bad dog


Chicken Licken

Leek Hotpot

Melting Snow


Presents for Baby

Ron Rabbit's big day

Stop Pot,Stop!

Super Dad

The Birthday Cake

The Ice Rink

The Rainy Day

The Sing Song

The Singing Bird

The Snowman

The web

Toads in the Road

What's the weather like today

a_cat in the tree

by the stream

nobody wanted to play

on the sand

pond dipping


the dolphin pool

the duck race

the mud bath

the rope swing

the steel band


An Old Red Hat


Bug Hunt


Dragon Danger

Dragon Training

Everyone Got Wet

Little Mouse Deer and the Crocodile

No Tricks Gran

Number Poems

Painting the Loft

Queen Anneena's Feast

Stuck in the Mud

The Moon Jet

The Play Park

The Race

The Scarf

The Tortoise and the Baboon

Tom,Dad and Colin

Zack and Zee

come in

house for sale


the dragon dance

the flying elephant

the new house

the play

the secret room

the storm

wet paint


A Monster Mistake

Alf Saves the Day

Be Quiet!

Flying High

Husky Adventure

Julia Donaldson

Kipper and the Trolls

Magic Tricks

Pirate Adventure

Please Do Not Sneeze

Rowing Boats



Sue Kangaroo

The Chatterbox Turtle

The Gale

The Magic Paintbrush

The Noisy Day

The School Trip

Whats that Noise

castle adventure


the dragon tree

the magic key

village in the snow


Alien Invasion

Batter Splatter

Christmas Adventure

Go Away,Molly!

Grans New Blue Shoes

Hairy Scary Monster

In the Garden

Land of the Dinosaurs

Max the Detective

Olympic Adventure

Olympic Dreams

Paris Adventure

Paula the vet

Skyway Shock

Special Days Poems

The Frog Prince

The Laughing Princess

The House that Jack Built

The Samosa Thief

When Animals Invade

Wild weather

kipper and the giant

robin hood


Animal Magic


Hide and Cheat

Jamie and the Chameleon

Red Planet

Rorys Lost His Voice


Sports then and now

Submarine Adventure

The Big Breakfast

The Bully

Things that Sting

Tiger's Discovery

Toad Swims for his Life

lost the jungle

the broken roof


Attack of the Centipede

Big Liam Little Liam

Dinosaur Safari

Escape of the Giant Chicken

Finn MacCool and the Gaint's Causeway


Jess and the Bean Root

Minibeast Poems

More Little Mouse Deer Tales

Mr Grim's TOWER

The Rainbow Machine

Viking Adventure

What Was It Like

Whats inside me

a day in london

the flying carpet

the kidnappers


Against All Odds

Alex Brychta

Alien Swap

An Adventure for Robodog

At the Top of the World

Blackbeard's Ship

Captain Comet and the Purple Planet

Cosmo for Captain

East of the Sun,West of the Moon

environmental disasters

Farmer Skiboo Stories

Green Island

Hot Dog

Key Trouble

Nasty Nate's Pirate Adventure

Ocean Adventure


Power Racers

Robots Special Day

Snow Troll

Space Poems

Storm Castle

The Flying Machine

The Lazy Giant

The Sand Witch

The Snow King

Training like an athlete

Treasure Hunt

Wolf Fables

survival adventure

the litter queen

the quest


Animal Tricksters

Castle Poems

Clown School

Cornflake Coin

Disgusting Denzil

Erics Talking Ears

Jellyfish Shoes

Jungle Shorts

Making a book

Nelly the Monster Sitter

Sport is Fun!

The boss Dog of Blossom Street

The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om

The Selkie child

Tom the Whistling Wonder

Tom Thumb and the Football Team

Town Dog

Yummy Scrummy

dexter's dinosaurs

stupid trousers

the great sfaghetti suit


Brer Rabbits Trickbag

Clever Monkey

Dick Whittington

Fables from Africa

Man on the Moon

MaryAnn and the Cat Baby

Pirate Poems

Sports poems

Stinky Street

The Big Chance

The Wrong Letter

The Huge and Horrible Beast

The Jam Street Puzzle

The King of Football

Titanic Survivor

Toffee and Marmalade

bertie wiggins amazing ears

coming clean

dangerous trainers


Animal Conflicts

Cool Clive

Doohickey and the Robot

Downhill Racers

Here Comes Trouble

How the World Began

My Friend Mandela

Round Up

The Super Skateplank


Blackbeards Last Stand

Journey to Mars

Robot Rampage

The Deep

The Personality Potion

waiting for goldie

why the sea is salty


air raid

Big Game Adventure

dragon tales

Exploring the Deep

grace the pirate

kelly the rescue dog

Team X

tomb raiders


Adrenalin Rush

Mythical Beasts and Fabulous Monsters

Storm Chasers

Ultimate Takeover


Sherlock Holmes

Tales of the Underworld

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