
The Zeigarnik Effect

Have you ever found yourself thinking about a partially finished project for school or work when you were trying to focus on other things? Or perhaps you wondered what would happen next in your favorite TV show or film series. If you have, you’ve experienced the Zeigarnik effect. You tend to remember unfinished tasks better than finished tasks. Knowledge of the Zeigarnik effect can be put into use in everyday life.


The effect is especially well suited for helping overcome procrastination or delaying an action to a later time. We often put off big tasks that seem overwhelming. However, the Zeigarnik effect suggests that the key to overcoming procrastination is to just get started. The first step could be something small and seemingly insignificant. In fact, it’s probably best if it’s something fairly easy.


The Zeigarnik effect can be useful for students who are studying for an exam. The effect tells us that breaking up study periods can actually improve recall. So instead of cramming for an exam all in one sitting, breaks should be scheduled in which the student focuses on something else. This will cause intrusive(侵入的) thoughts, enabling students to rehearse and consolidate the information that must be remembered, leading to better recall when they take the exam.


The Zeigarnik effect also points to reasons why people may experience mental health problems. If an individual leaves important tasks incomplete, the intrusive thoughts that result can lead to stress, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and emotional distress. Conversely, completing a task can give an individual a sense of accomplishment and lead to a feeling of closure that can improve psychological well-being.


The Zeigarnik effect can actually be used to positively impact your work productivity.



1. focus on:v專注於

例句: You should focus on your study.你應該專注於你的學習

2. Wonder:v想知道 n奇蹟

例句:I wonder who she is. 我想知道她到底是誰

3. Tend to:v傾向於,往往

例句:Morals tend to be deeply ingrained. 道德觀念往往是根深蒂固的

4. Be suited for:v適合

例句:She's ideally suited for this job.她很適合這份工作

5. Overcome:v克服

例句:You have to overcome your fear.你必須克服你的恐懼

6. Put off:推遲

例句:We've had to put off our wedding until September. 我們不得不把婚禮推遲到九月份。

7. Break up:v分手,分開

例句:They decided to break up the partnership. 他們決定拆夥。

8. Schedule:n計劃,v列計劃

例句:The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon. 會議安排在星期五下午。

9. Rehearse:v排練,演練

例句:We were given only two weeks to rehearse. 只給了我們兩個星期排練。

10. Consolidate:v鞏固,合併

例句:Then they'll also consolidate servers.他們還將鞏固伺服器。

11. Lead to:v導致

例句:A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness. 糟糕的飲食終將導致疾病。


The Zeiguvnik Effect is that you always remember unfinished matter, which can be well used. The effect helps you overcome procrastination and have a good start. The effect is effective for students to improve recall and remember things better. It also encourage people to finish work and improve psychological well-being. It can influence us positively in all aspect.

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