
我去過香港、澳門、馬來西亞、俄羅斯、阿聯酋、捷克共和國、奧地利、德國、比利時、斯洛伐克。 我將在下面逐一回答。 我不想因為很少的互動就對整個人群形成成見。

Anubhav Ray I have traveled to Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Russia, UAE, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia. I will answer one by one below. I don''t want to stereotype entire population by few interactions.* Hong Kong - People are busy in their life. They don''t bother about anyone. Whether you''re Indian or European or American. They just don''t care.* Macau - People are very friendly and humble. They just don''t understand English.* Malaysia - They interact with Indians on daily basis. 10% of the Malaysia population is Indian. Lots of Indians travel there. So it''s normal for them to see an Indian. They neither respect nor disrespect.* Russia - They love India and Indians. Moscow is like Delhi & St Petersburg is like Mumbai. Few of the Moscow people are bit rude, they don''t speak English. St Petersburg people are very polite and friendly. Siberian people are the best among all Russians. Also ex-soviet central Asians respect and love India a lot. I found Russia with mixed attitude. In restaurants, waitress have a bad attitude. Drivers and other people are friendly.我去過香港、澳門、馬來西亞、俄羅斯、阿聯酋、捷克共和國、奧地利、德國、比利時、斯洛伐克。 我將在下面逐一回答。 我不想因為很少的互動就對整個人群形成成見。* 香港:人們生活忙碌。他們不為任何人操心。不管你是印度人還是歐洲人還是美國人。他們只是不在乎。* 澳門:澳門人非常友善和謙虛,只是不懂英語。* 馬來西亞:他們每天都與印度人接觸。馬來西亞10%的人口是印度人。許多印度人去那裡旅遊。所以印度人在他們眼裡是很正常的。他們沒有什麼尊重或不尊重。* 俄羅斯:他們熱愛印度和印度人。莫斯科就像德里,聖彼得堡就像孟買。很少的莫斯科人會有點粗魯,他們不說英語。聖彼得堡人非常禮貌和友好。西伯利亞人是所有俄羅斯人中最好的。前蘇聯的中亞人也非常尊重和熱愛印度。我發現俄羅斯的態度很複雜。在餐館裡,服務員的態度很差。但司機和其他人都很友好。* UAE - They like Bollywood. They respect India and India-UAE have a good relationship. Many Arabs can understand and speak Hindi.* Czech Republic - They''re friendly towards everyone. Not just India. If you ask them for help, they''ll definitely help you.* Slovakia - Most friendliest people I have seen yet. People are sweet and welcoming. Would love to visit again.* Austria - They''re not rude. But they''re busy in their own lives like Hong Kong.* Germany - They love India and Indians. People have a good sense of humour.* Belgium - Country is full of immigrants. Hardly I could interact with any local. I interacted more with Indians, Pakistanis than any local.* 阿聯酋:他們喜歡寶萊塢。他們尊重印度和阿聯酋有著良好的關係。許多阿拉伯人能聽懂和說印地語。* 捷克共和國:他們對每個人都很友好。不僅僅是印度。 如果你向他們尋求幫助,他們肯定會幫助你。* 斯洛伐克:我見過的最友好的國家。人們都很友善,熱情好客。願意再次去旅遊。* 奧地利:他們不粗魯。但是他們像香港一樣忙於自己的生活。* 德國:他們熱愛印度和印度人,他們很有幽默感。* 比利時:國內到處都是移民。我幾乎不能與任何當地人交流。我與印度人、巴基斯坦人的交流比任何當地人都多。

Suryakant Kaushal , I don''t know what I am doing in DubaiJapan !!I have worked there for almost 3 years and was overwhelmed with the respect that I received.I think following are some reasons behind this#1 - Subhash Chandra Bose - Yes, the hero who has got no recognition in his own country (India). But Japanese admire him a lot and believe me in Tokyo there is a temple of Subhash Chandra Bose that doesn''t exists in India even.#2 - Information Technology - In Japan Indian means an Engineers who is extremely talented in IT and Computer science. You believe or not but I witnessed it in Tokyo that other South Asian prefer to say themselves an Indian just to gain respect. As Pakistani, SriLankan and Bangladeshi are majorly in labor class services.#3 - TATA (as a Brand) - Tata as a brand name is really big in Japan. The organization I used to work with had a photo gallery section in the office and biggest picture was of Mr. Ratan Tata despite the pictures of Bill Gates, Dell and many other big names in the world business.#4 - Indian Culture - Japanese respect a lot Indian culture and values.#5- Buddhism - 99% Japanese follows Budhhism and they know that origin of this religion is India.#6- Rajnikanth - Japanese adore Rajnikanth more than their local actors. His movies make more money than locally made films.日本!!我在那裡工作了將近3年,受到的尊敬讓我不知所措。我認為這背後有一些原因:#1,蘇巴斯·錢德拉·鮑斯。是的,他是在自己的國家(印度)得不到認可的英雄。但是日本人非常崇拜他,相信我,在東京有一座蘇巴斯·錢德拉·鮑斯的寺廟,但是在印度根本不存在。#2,資訊科技。在日本,印度人是在IT和電腦科學方面極具天賦的工程師。不管你信不信,我在東京親眼目睹了其他南亞人為了贏得尊重而更願意說自己是印度人。巴基斯坦人,斯里蘭卡人和孟加拉人主要是在勞動類服務。#3,塔塔(作為一個品牌)。塔塔作為一個品牌在日本非常流行。我曾經工作過的組織在辦公室裡有一個照片展區,最大的照片是拉坦 · 塔塔先生,儘管也有比爾 · 蓋茨、戴爾和許多其他世界商業巨頭的照片。#4,印度文化。日本人非常尊重印度文化和價值觀。#5,佛教——99% 的日本人信奉佛教,他們知道佛教起源於印度。#6,拉吉尼·坎特。日本人更喜歡拉吉尼·坎特而不是他們的本地演員。他的電影比日本本地製作的電影更賺錢。Siva Raman, Thinker ? no taking baby steps towards all time thinkingWhy cant you think of Pak. The more Pakistanis I meet, the more respect they show to me and vice versa. Let us forget stereotyping the Pak Govtal actions and extending them to Pakistani people. The pakistani people, whether they are educated or not are actually well behaved and soft and suave. Their professionals are as astute as us, Indians. This I quote my personal experience. I believe Quora is a land of intelligence where Quora-zens will understand this point of view.Next is UAE- Dubai. This country is virtually made by Indians. Indians outnumber the locals and any other ethnic group. If you evacuate all Indians from UAE, the country will fall flat - because it will lack man power , market and management. So, Indians are respected hell a lot in Dubai. You can realise that when you speak to an Emirati.Third is Oman. The king of Oman was educated in India. He was guarded by an Indian trade family when he was in conflict with his father. Hence Indians command great powers and some of the prosperous Indians can knock on the doors of ministers at any time of the day. There are two huge temples in Oman in the centre of Muscat, which is not there even in Dubai. In Dubai you have tiny temples.Think again before stereotyping of anyone.你們怎麼就不能想想巴基斯坦呢。我遇到的巴基斯坦人越多,他們就越尊重我,反之亦然。讓我們忘記了對巴基斯坦政府行動的刻板印象。巴基斯坦人民,不管他們是否受過教育,實際上都是彬彬有禮、溫文爾雅的。他們的專業人士和我們印度人一樣精明。這是我的個人經驗。 我相信 Quora 是一片充滿智慧的地方,人們會理解這種觀點。接下來是阿聯酋-迪拜。這個國家實際上是由印度人創造的。印度人的數量超過了當地人和其他任何民族。 如果你從阿聯酋疏散所有的印度人,這個國家將陷入困境——因為它將缺乏人力、市場和管理。 因此,印度人在迪拜非常受人尊敬。 當你和阿聯酋人說話時,你會意識到這一點。 第三個是阿曼。 阿曼國王在印度接受教育。 當他與父親發生衝突時,他受到一個印度家庭的保護。因此,印度人擁有強大的權力,一些富裕的印度人可以在一天中的任何時候敲開部長們的大門。阿曼有兩個巨大的寺廟在馬斯喀特的中心,這甚至在迪拜也是。在迪拜,你可以看到很小的寺廟。在對任何人抱有成見之前,請三思。

Hardik Shah , Chartered Accountant by Qualification, Entrepreneur by ProfessionI am not sure if this had much to do with respect to me being an Indian or Europeans are welcoming by nature.This was in June 2015 when I was on a two trip across Paris, Swiss and Germany. The first week and the first two destinations was a family trip and the second week was solo across Germany.In Swiss you’ll find a lot of places with dedicated hindi signboards.People in general were warm and welcoming specially given the fact that we vegetarians would repeatedly confirm the ingredients of a food item to enter a shop -> bargain -> buy nothing or just plain ask for directions. The smile would never fade.I had a few particular instances while in Germany basis which my respect for them grew manifold. I did not have a working mobile phone. I was on my own with physical maps obtained from Tourist Centers.Hardik Shah 、註冊會計師、職業企業家我不確定這是否與我作為一個印度人或者歐洲人天生熱情好客有關。那是在2015年6月,我在巴黎、瑞士和德國進行了兩次旅行。第一週是家庭旅行,第二週是獨自穿越德國。在瑞士,你會發現很多地方都有專門的印地語招牌,人們一般都很熱情和歡迎,尤其是考慮到我們素食者會反覆確認一個食物的成分然後才進入商店->討價還價->什麼都不買或只是簡單地問路。但微笑永遠不會消失。我在德國的時候有幾個特別的例子,我對他們的尊敬是多方面的。我沒有一部能用的手機。 我只能依靠從旅遊中心獲得的實物地圖。* It was late evening and I had just crossed over from Switzerland to Germany through a lake and wanted to head to Munich that night. I couldn’t find a station initially for a while and when I found one, it did not have a ticket counter but a simple automatic vending machine. I had no clue what trains travel to Munich, what time, what platform and how much does it cost. I asked some people nearby who were munching on something, they walked back with me to help me transact and when that did not work she called her brother to help me book a ticket.* I had no bookings for myself at any hostel at Munich and no way I could book one now. I just had a list of some hostels with their address. I was going to reach Munich past midnight. The train was relatively empty with a girl sharing my compartment. After an hour or so I had the guts to speak to her. She was super friendly. Gave me details of which hostels are close to the station and the recommended one’s. She shared her journey of travelling in India and how she loved the Indian culture.那天晚上很晚了,我剛從瑞士穿過一片湖到達德國,想在那天晚上前往慕尼黑。起初我找不到一個車站,當我找到一個車站時,它沒有售票櫃檯,只有一個簡單的自動售票機。我不知道去慕尼黑的火車是什麼,什麼時間,什麼站臺,多少錢。我問了附近的一些人,他們走回來幫助我辦理,當還是沒成功時,她叫她的哥哥幫我訂票了。我在慕尼黑沒有預訂任何旅館,也沒辦法預訂。我拿到一份旅館的名單,上面有他們的地址。我預計在午夜以後到達慕尼黑。火車上空無一人,車廂裡坐著一個女孩。大約一個小時後,我鼓起勇氣和她說話了。她非常友好。 告訴我哪些旅館離車站比較近,推薦哪些旅館。她分享了她在印度旅行的經歷,以及她是如何熱愛印度文化的。* I was strolling at the Munich Olympic ground when there was a team teaching people around to play Golf. It was my turn and I held the golf club. The instructor came to me and asked - ‘Are you from India? This is not a cricket bat’ and we both broke into a laughter. He taught me how to hold it and play golf for a while longer than usually he devoted to other folks around. He worked at a IT company in Chennai for a year and has been planning a trip back to India ever since. Two of his colleagues from the company were getting married later in 2015 - one an Indian and the other from Netherlands and he was to be back to India for the grand wedding.So yes, Indians do get a lot of attention and love outside. And let’s not forget Indians make up one of the largest Expat populations in the Middle East, UK and US.Its plain human to be nice and courteous to your guests.我在慕尼黑奧林匹克運動場散步時,看到一個團隊在教人們打Golf。 輪到我了,我拿著Golf杆。 老師走過來問我: “你是印度人嗎?這不是板球拍”我們倆都笑了起來。他教我如何堅持,如何打Golf,而且打得時間比平時更長。他在金奈的一家 IT 公司工作了一年,從那以後,他就一直在計劃回印度旅行。他在公司的兩個同事將於2015年晚些時候結婚,一個是印度人,另一個來自荷蘭,他們將回到印度參加盛大的婚禮。所以,是的,印度人確實得到了外界的大量關注和尊重。我們不要忘記,印度人是中東、英國和美國最大的外籍人口之一。對你的客人友好和有禮貌是人之常情。

Praveen Kumar RajendranBhutan and Singapore!Bhutan is one of the most beautiful neighbor of India, which respects Indians, Indian tradition, Indian leaders to the core. Bhutan lies in the foot hills of Himalayas between India and China. Although Bhutan shares majority of its border with China, it believes India as the good, harmless and helpful neighbor.Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first foreign visit to Bhutan, when he assumed power in the year 2014. This shows the friendship between Bhutan and India. Of course, Prime Minister of Bhutan Tshering Tobgay attended the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Modi along with the SAARC leaders.At many occasions, Bhutan had showed his love and respect to the people of India and Indian leaders. In the below image, you can see Prime Minster Tshering Tobgay driving Ms.Mamata ji.Singapore不丹和新加坡!不丹是印度最美妙的鄰居之一,它尊重印度人,印度傳統,印度領導人。不丹位於印度和中國之間的喜馬拉雅山的山腳下。雖然不丹與中國接壤,但是不丹認為印度是一個善良、無害和樂於助人的鄰居。印度總理納倫德拉 · 莫迪於2014年上臺,對不丹進行了首次出訪。 這顯示了不丹和印度之間的友誼。 當然,不丹總理和南盟領導人一起出席了莫迪總理的就職儀式。在許多場合,不丹向印度人民和印度領導人表示了他的愛和尊重。Apart from Bhutan, Indians are respected to the core in Singapore and Malaysia. People of Tamil Nadu, played a crucial role in forming Singapore. In order to honor the people of Tamil Nadu, Singapore Government made Tamil as one of the official language of Singapore. Late S.R Nathan from Indian(Tamil) origin became the 6th President of the Singapore. People of Singapore respected and loved him to the core. Singapore is the only country, in which an Indian Origin(Tamil) has reached the highest position in the foreign land. When Mr.S.R.Nathan passed away, his favorite Tamil song had been played in his funeral.Please watch the S.R.Nathan’s funeral from the below video." data-yt-id="BG5nYXI9_8g" data-interactive="true" >More than any country, I feel Bhutan and Singapore are the safest country for Indians where Indians are respected to the core.Thanks and Love to People of Bhutan and SingaporeCheers!新加坡除了不丹以外,印度人在新加坡和馬來西亞也深受尊敬。 泰米爾納德邦人民對新加坡的建立起到了關鍵作用。 為了紀念泰米爾納德邦人民,新加坡政府將泰米爾語定為新加坡的官方語言之一。 來自印度(泰米爾)的納丹成為新加坡第六任總統。新加坡人民非常尊敬和愛戴他。新加坡是唯一一個擁有印度血統(泰米爾)的國家。納丹先生去世時,葬禮上播放了他最喜歡的泰米爾歌曲。我覺得對印度人來說,不丹和新加坡比其他任何國家都更安全,因為印度人在那裡受到了至高無上的尊重。感謝和對不丹和新加坡人民的愛。乾杯!Tarun SimhaI have been to Egypt, Bhutan, Thailand and USA.* The most respect i got was from the ppl of Egypt(Cairo), totally random strangers would stop me to say “namaste”. The duty guards at various locations would ask if i am from India and on nodding a “yes” they would ask if i knew Amitabh Bachchan (he is a craze in Egypt). Random strangers can hug you just because you happen to be from India.* Bhutan : People are not openly friendly here, they are rather shy, but once you talk to them they are very sweet and humble. They do realize that India being such a huge country has not been bullying them even though India gives them enormous aid and support. The people are very respectful of the Indian Army stationed in Bhutan, the services rendered by the Indian Army are highly appreciated in Bhutan.我去過埃及、不丹、泰國和美國。我得到的最多的尊重是來自埃及(開羅)的人民,完全陌生的陌生人都會對我合掌禮。不同地點的值班警衛會問我是否來自印度,我都會點頭表示“是”,他們會問我是否認識阿米塔布·巴沙坎(他在埃及很流行)。隨機的陌生人會擁抱你,只因為你恰好是來自印度。不丹:這裡的人們並不公開示好,他們相當羞澀,但是一旦你和他們交談,他們會變得非常親切和謙遜。他們確實意識到,儘管印度給了他們巨大的援助和支援,但印度作為一個如此巨大的國家並沒有欺負他們。人民非常尊重駐紮在不丹的印度軍隊,印度軍隊提供的服務在不丹受到高度讚賞。* Thailand : I had been to Bangkok and Pattaya in Thailand, both are out and out tourist places. They were not particularly friendly to Indians but to all outsiders. Thai culture is influenced by Indian culture to a large extent. They being Buddhist country now are still highly respectful to their past Hindu culture and have deep devotion to Ramayana and Mahabharata. The local guide we had engaged was very helpful and he felt that Gujarati''s are kanjoos(miser) than rest of the Indian people.* USA: I currently live in Redmond(WA) and here we have a very dense Indian population along with various other nationalities, because Redmond happens to be the headquarters of Microsoft. The local population has never ever been rude to me personally, however i have heard from few friends who have had some negative experiences but overall the ppl are quite friendly at least on the outside, we never know what they might be thinking inside.泰國:我去過泰國的曼谷和芭堤雅,這兩個地方都是旅遊勝地。他們對印度人並不特別友好,但對所有外來者都是一樣的。泰國文化在很大程度上受印度文化的影響,他們是佛教國家,現在仍然高度尊重他們過去的印度教文化,並深刻熱愛羅摩衍那和摩訶婆羅多。我們僱傭的當地導遊很有幫助,他覺得古吉拉特人比其他印度人更吝嗇。美國:我現在住在雷德蒙德,這裡有非常密集的印度人口和其他國家的人口,因為雷德蒙德恰好是微軟的總部。 當地人從來沒有對我表現過無禮,然而我聽說一些朋友有過一些不好的經歷,但總的來說人們是相當友好的,至少是在表明,我們永遠不知道他們可能在想什麼。

Raj Das GuptaIndonesia, or to be more specific - Bali!Indians are treated as a celebrity in the country, the respect & curiosity that you generate as an Indian in this country is something I have yet to see in any other country.Since the moment I stepped into the country, I felt the difference. Entry was visa free, the driver was very pleasant since the moment he realized I was an Indian, and I got free accommodation at a hotel, the credit of which at least partly goes to me being an Indian. People would stop us to take group photos & chat with us, and not my fellow European travelers - which to be honest I had grown accustomed to.Raj Das Gupta印度尼西亞,或者更具體地說——巴厘島!在這個國家,印度人被當作名人來對待,在這個國家,作為一個印度人,你所帶來的尊重和好奇心是我在其他任何國家都沒有看到的。從我踏入這個國家的那一刻起,我就感覺到了不同。入境是免簽證的,司機在意識到我是一個印度人後非常愉快,我在一家酒店得到了免費住宿,這至少部分歸功於我是一個印度人。人們要求我們拍集體照和與我們聊天,而不是我的歐洲同伴——說實話,我已經習慣了。Ahhaan Badhwar , lives in Kashipur, Uttarakhand, India1:BHUTANA small but strategically important nation which can be called as an all weather allie of India .PM Modi made his first visit to Bhutan after assuming power which shows friendly ties between the 2 countries and Indian government has invested alot in Bhutan in hydropower projects.2:USAIndians have accuquired high status and positions in USA.The Ceos of Pepsi, Microscoft, Google and many other corporations are of INDIAN origin.Indian have also made a mark in politics

Athi S SundarPardon me for moving off the track a little.My concern is that Indians abroad themselves do not respect other Indians!We were on a tour to Malaysia and Singapore.Where ever we met Indians,we found something special in them.Whats that?A smile of rcognition?Or a happy look conveying that I’m also from India?Unfortunately,’No’!They just choose to ignore us because we are ‘south’Indians or ‘dark’ or’North Easties or …..!They would not even smile back if we choose to greet.In the place we stayed,no Indian would lift his head to look at us even.Once,in Singapore, we were struggling to find a place to sit for the water show,one Indian family had covered all available seats and kind of followed ‘reservation policy’ there. He would not give us even if we ask.Then we proved our Indianess,fought and got our seats,though we did n’t quite like our strategy much!In Malaysia,we were cheated by Indian cab drivers by double charging.Chinese drivers were honest.So let our first job be to earn respect from our own neighbour!No offence meant,only an expression of my exasperated helplessness in this matter!原諒我稍微偏離了主題。我擔心的是在國外的印度人自己並不尊重其他印度人。我們在馬來西亞和新加坡旅遊的時候,無論我們在哪裡遇到印度人,我們都會在他們身上發現一些特別的東西。 你覺得是什麼?一個相識的微笑? 或者一個快樂的表情,表示我也來自印度。但不幸的是,不!他們只是選擇忽視我們,因為我們是‘南印度人’或‘黑色印度人’或‘東北印度人’或..... 在我們住的地方,甚至沒有印度人會抬起頭來看我們。有一次,在新加坡,我們正在努力找一個地方坐下來看水上表演,一個印度家庭已經佔滿了所有可用的座位,並且遵守了那裡的“預訂政策”。即使我們要求,他也不會讓給我們。然後我們證明了我們印度女性的實力,打了一架,然後得到了我們的座位,雖然我們不太喜歡這個策略!在馬來西亞,我們被印度計程車司機騙了雙倍的車費。而中國的計程車司機很誠實,所以讓我們做的第一件事就是,贏得鄰居的尊重!無意冒犯,只是表達了我在這件事情上的無奈!

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