

I don't want him to think he's a jerk, but it's the relationship I can't let go of, not him

Today is his birthday, I am full of joy ready to wish him a happy birthday, only in exchange for a "thank you" I can not even open the chat box now, thank you do not know cancer is very sensitive


It must be frustrating being a math class rep and having a math test

想斷掉沒必要的關係 又感覺不好

It's not nice to want to break up an unwanted relationship

為什麼我看到他和別人在一起 還是會難過

Why is it so hard for me to see him with someone else


Online classes are always asking me why I can't vote in every class, and I'm not bad


Notes. I really don't want to take notes. The kind that asks you for money whether it's a good relationship or not, and the kind that would rather wait for you to finish than write, so can we have some face

真的很煩 可是我也不知道在煩什麼

It's really annoying, but I don't know what it is


Carefully when a reliable goods wechat business, but everyone ignored me, there is no new friends


I guess I'm losing faith in someone and I'm just another action dwarf in my own life. After all, we can't do what we want

借錢的時候叫姐姐叫哥哥 還錢的時候各種不記得各種明天

When you borrow money, ask your sister to call your brother. When you pay back the money, you don't remember all the tomorrows

I'm just trying to keep track of my day-to-day life, not make fun of it

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