

I must have been in about eighth grade when I first learned about one of the most recognizable cosmic formations that humans have ever observed.


The Horsehead Nebula, a sculpted pillar of dust and gas that forms the far edge of the Orion B molecular cloud, is part of a massive stellar nursery where gravity, magnetic forces and radiation winds force matter together to birth new stars.


That such a volatile, powerful place in the universe could also resemble the majestic beauty of a horse’s head had me hooked.


Now some astronomers hypothesize that colossal black holes, too, may arise from so-called nurseries.


As Charlie Wood details in this issue, a handful of candidates for this type of black hole formation have been discovered using LIGO observations, but much more data is needed (see “Black Hole Factories May Hide at Cores of Giant Galaxies”).

正如Charlie Wood在本期中詳細描述的那樣,使用LIGO觀測發現了幾個這種型別的黑洞形成的候選者,但還需要更多的資料(參見“黑洞工廠可能隱藏在巨型星系的核心”)。

Elsewhere in these pages, Alexandra Witze details the ways that the appearance of two recent alien objects in our solar system are overturning long-held astronomical assumptions (see “Two Interstellar Intruders Are Upending Astronomy”).

在這些頁面的其他地方,Alexandra Witze詳細介紹了太陽系中最近出現的兩個外星人物體如何顛覆了長期以來的天文假設(參見“兩個星際入侵者正在顛覆天文學”)。

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