

The days of Antarctica's Pine Island glacier are numbered, but no one really knows what that number is.


New models could help to shed some much-needed light on the matter.


In the past four decades, this slow-moving monstrosity of ice has contributed more to sea level rise than any other glacier on Earth, and recently, scientists have noticed signs it might be accelerating and thinning unusually fast.


Predicting where and how a glacier on this scale will recede is notoriously difficult.


While they might look like simple, solid slabs of ice from above, these structures actually hide extremely complicated and dynamic flow systems that we still don't know enough about.


With the dawn of the climate crisis, some models predict melting of the Pine Island glacier will cause it to entire lose its grounding line - where the glacier first meets the ocean - and float within a century.


Other scenarios indicate a sixfold increase in mass ice loss and a 40 kilometre (25 mile) migration of the grounding line in less than two decades.


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