
A man who poses as a rough sleeper, but lives in a London flat, says he chooses to beg because he earns far more than he would by getting a job.


Ed Stafford meets a man named Darren, who he believes to be homeless. But Darren soon admits that after he makes his money for the day—usually around £100—he goes back to his Brixton flat for a shower and a warm meal. On particularly fruitful days, he can make as much as £600 by targeting drunken pub-goers who are feeling generous. Darren says, "A lot of people on the street are intentionally there. You can earn £100 in one day begging."


Darren, the 47-year-old man who was given the flat by a housing association ( 住房互助會) when he left prison said his aim was to get a job and stop begging. But he was quick to admit that the job he had been offered only paid him £8 an hour. " I'm sure people who have given Darren money would be angry if they knew he was coming back to his flat every night, but he clearly wants to give up begging and get a job," Ed says.


Ed, a former army captain, spent two months being homeless in Glasgow, Manchester, and London for the TV experiment to learn why so many homeless gravitate to the capital—and if they're all genuine. He also meets with Neil who claims to make £30 in half an hour begging and boasts of owning a two-bedroom house in Dartford.


Talking about his colorful history, Neil says, "I used to drive for an armed robber—we got chased a few times. I can make £30 in half an hour begging. The spot down there I share with someone who is actually homeless—I'm not because I have a two-bedroom house—you can

come round if you want to."



rough sleeper 露宿者

fruitful adj. 成果豐碩的; 富有成效的

intentionally adv. 故意地;有意地

gravitate vi. 被吸引

spend time doing sth. 花時間做某事

used to do sth. 過去常做某事

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