

You're still here?

Wow. I guess neither of you are cuddlers, huh? Just... knock it out and move on. Okay. Not what I was picturing. I mean, I wasn't picturing any-- I don't picture things. I wasn't even thinking about it.

Okay, can we not -- -

Yep. Let's definitely not.

Excuse me, hi. Can I get one more and then the check?

Mm-hmm. –

Two, thanks.

You got it.


I was thinking about... your offer to guarantee my lease.


Couldn't happen at the office. Regs. It feels weird, anyway. I'm keeping my old apartment.

Why weird?

I don't wanna feel beholden to you.

I loan my friends money all the time. And this isn't even a loan that I'm offering. It's a signature. And I've forgotten it already.

Only people with money forget about money.

Thanks. – Thank you.

No rush.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got it.

Thought you always went dutch.

Well, next time, you can pay. Maybe at Lugers after you... sign a 7-figure deal to Sullivan&Cromwell.

What's that mean?

You're brilliant. Top of your class, Stanford Law. You're gonna put in your five years, and then you're gonna defect to the other side, start defending the same rich jerkoffs you're locking up now. Not a judgment. Just a truth of our world.

Not my world. I am an Aquarius on a trust fund. No, I am riding this job all the way to higher office.

Okay, Senator Sacker.

That's a first step.

To what? Governor? Oh, Madam Secretary, huh? Wait, POTUS?

Not confirming. Not denying.

Nobody plans that at your age.

Nobody who gets there doesn't. What, you think Clinton saved that picture with Kennedy by accident?


Okay, your administration.

Way down the road, but modeling it on Roosevelt.


No. Teddy. Um, solid economy policy, progressive. You know, I can forgive his flaws because just like every one of us, he was a product of his time. Plus, he wrote one of my favorite books.

Mm. Rough Riders.

Mm, that one's fine. I'm talking The Naval War of 1812.

Also good.

I should probably head back to my room. A 4 a.m. wake-up, yeah?

I gotta -- gotta wait for the check.


And then I'll...go.

Oh, uh, if your game stays tight, I'll keep you in mind for Attorney General.

Good night.

Good night.


Only people with money forget about money.

I am riding this job all the way to higher office

我做這份工作是為了…..“I am riding this job to…”

Way down the road 前路漫長

modeling it on sb 以某人為榜樣

be a product of his time 時代的產物

your game stays tight 老當益壯

feel(be)beholden to sb 欠某人的人情

defect 名詞的意思是缺點、缺陷,這個我們常用;動詞的意思是背叛、投敵

Aquarius 水瓶座

POTUS President of the United States的簡寫. 即美利堅合眾國總統

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