

Oh! Look at...

Yeah, good shot. Three fucking days of this bullshit. I'm gonna murder someone.

Yeah, well, if this continues, fuck it. You and I set up shop. I got the contacts, the ideas, the killer instinct. You're not just a solid earner. You know what else you are?

Results-oriented. –

I'm sitting right here, dick.

All right. I figured you'd want to go off on your own.

Why didn't I save any money? Fucking Hamptons rental, Europe, shoes. A closet of shoes. I have $250,000 in fucking shoes.

Are we doing this?

Get in on the action! I'm taking odds!

I got $200 says he can make it.

I got five says he doesn't.

How are the troops holding up?

Like we're on a fucking Higgins boat heading straight for Omaha Beach.

Where is he? –

You know as much as I do.

Dealbreaker had a blind item about him. Says it's temporary insanity.

Who said anything about temporary?

We all know he's not insane. We gotta just... enjoy the break. This can be useful, remind us why we love what we do.

Uh, I love what I make... or used to.

Sure. Money's a big part of it. You remember the first year you pulled down seven figures?

Yeah, of course. –

What'd you do with it? Spend it on yourself? Buy something for your families?

I bought my mom a washing machine.

What the fuck?

She was doing laundry by hand. It's hard on the joints.

Yeah, so you buy her a house with a maid, not an appliance from Sears, you cheap fuck.

What about you, Pouch?

I put it all into retirement.

Oh, you pussy.

And I staked a couple of fighters, which was a mistake.

Yeah, well, I got a quick 5K you can make if you got the stomach for it.

Ah, behold, the Hand of the King descends to walk among the rabble.

Hey, Wags, two of my kids just got hired at Morgan Capital.

Hmm. Funny you're complaining to me, considering they're your kids.

I'm ready.

Aw, yeah!

It's time! Final bets in, everyone.

Jonesy, Jonesy, Jonesy, Jonesy, Jonesy...


Jonesy, Jonesy, Jonesy, Jonesy, Jonesy!

A couple more days, it'll be fucking Lord of the Flies in here.

I think it's time for one of your off site team building exercises.

Yo, bitches, saddle up. Body sushi at the strip joint, on me.


- Hi. - Hi.

I was hoping you'd come by.

- Come on in. - Thanks.

So how's the restaurant?

Oh, you gotta come for dinner. Lu will treat you to a tasting menu. And bring the family. Or, you know...maybe just the kids.

This isn't fun... for any of us.

You trust me on that, right?

Of course.

So where's the man?

Screening room.



Get in on the action 開始行動吧

the Hand of the King 是美國作家喬治·R·R·馬丁的嚴肅奇幻小說系列《冰與火之歌》中的一個重要職位, 是君臨城鐵王座國王的首席顧問和命令執行人

rabble n. 烏合之眾; 聚眾的暴民; 賤民; 下等人;

odd 形容詞 奇怪的; 怪異的; 反常的;怪異的; 偶然出現的; 偶爾發生的; 不規律的;

odds 名詞 (事物發生的) 可能性,機率,機率,機會; 不利條件; 掣肘的事情; 逆境; 投注賠率;

blind item 一個關於謠言的專欄,通常主人公的身份被隱晦,透過機智的描述讓讀者自己解開答案。

strip joint 脫衣舞夜總會

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