
But when it comes to our inner nature,there is only one governing principle:borderless uinty.Our physical and social worlds are governed by boundaries.Our inner world needs none.To attain the ecstasy of borderless unity,which is our natural state,all you need to do is live by the guideline that all human experience is generated from within---either with the support of external stimuli or without.That is all.If you establish this within yourself absolutely,the consequences of your transactions will no longer be burdensome.

就內在本質而言,“無界合一”(borderless unity)是唯一的統御原則。我們的有形物質世界和社交世界都受到“界限”的管理和統治,但內在世界則不需要這些東西。為了達到本然狀態——“無界合一”的狂喜,你們唯一需要做的是,不論是否有外在的刺激作為支援,都依照“所有人類的體驗都源自內在”的準則來過生活,就是如此。如果你把這個準則完全奠基於內在,你交易互動的結果就不再會是沉重的。

What do we mean by this?People often ask me,"Maybe this is possible for you as a yogi,but how can we who live in the 'real world'make our interactions free of friction?"I remind them that I don't live in a cave.I also lead people.I am doing work around the world with over one million volunteers.This means they usually aren't trained for the job they are doing---and you can't fire them!Do you know how difficult it is to manage such a situation?By you won't ever see me distressed because my way of being is not in any way enslaved to what's happening outside.This is not an otherworldly achievement.It is possible for everyone to live this way.


If you still believe that someone "up there"is going to rescue you and solve all your problems,just remember that you are living on a round planet---and one that's spining.So,whenever you look up,you are obviously looking in the wrong direction!In this vast ever-expanding cosmos,what's up and what's down?You have no clue.Nowhere in the cosmos is it marked "This side up"!The only distinction you do know right now is "within"and "without"(although for the yogi,even this distinction has vanished).


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