

Yesterday, this company came under attack by an unscrupulous adversary who will stop at nothing to abuse the authority of the state, take away our freedoms, and close our doors forever. And it left us all wondering one thing... What happens next?

Dollar Bill Stearn. Stingiest multimillionaire on the planet. Better get ready to pay full price. Insider trading, securities fraud, conspiracy, wire fraud. What are we up to?Uh, 12-year prison term. $9 million fine, plus civil when it moves to SEC.Jesus, that's pricey, and that's just the beginning.

They came for Dollar Bill yesterday, but it was an attack on all of us.- Right. Right. - Yeah.- That's right. - Yeah.And I feel it. Do you?Yeah.Any one of us could be next.We're with you, Bobby!Yeah!

Do you think this makes me happy, Bill?You don't need to answer that.You happy, Bryan? –

Yeah, I'm...Right?It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel fair. Why you? Why are you sitting in that chair... and not somebody else?

Today... we are standing at the precipice. Today is one day after.

You have one chance to avoid a cell. Give me Axelrod.

The day after Pearl Harbor, everybody knew a Japanese invasion would be coming. Air raid wardens. Anti-aircraft artillery. Cities blacked out. Mothers and fathers staying by the door with baseball bats and kitchen knives, bellies full of fear of the invading hordes.

I know what he means to you. I know you're a loyal man, and I admire that. But this is what you know. You know he's crooked, and you know he's going down.

But everyone was wrong. What happened on American soil next?Nothing.That's right. The invasion never came.

Turned out Pearl Harbor was the best those sneak attacking motherfuckers had.

I have the men. I have the tools. I have the will. Now if it's not you, it'll be someone else.I'll go through your shop, one PM at a time, pick up every piece of rotten fruit and squeeze until the juice comes out. You know. You know. So you can cooperate and walk out of here free, or you can go to jail for no good reason. You have one chance to make this deal. A deal won't be on the table tomorrow.

What came next was a war that unleashed the might of America. What came next was a victory that left us as the most powerful nation on Earth.Fuck, yeah!

No deal.

This company... This company will not wait for an uncertain future. We will make our own future! We will fight back hard. We will mobilize the war machine. And those who would try to bring down our house will see their own houses fall!

The case against my client is entirely without merit.Bill Stearn bribed a company official in exchange for material inside information. It does not get any clearer.He became friends with a farmer working at a company he covers. He was so moved by the plight of that man's daughter that he arranged transportation and medical care for her. Now if you can convince a jury of citizens that paying to save the life of a sick child constitutes an illegal benefit, then you should go ahead and take us to trial. My client has no interest in cooperation, no interest in a plea... And he does not recognize your authority.What the fuck does that mean?


Today is one day after 事情過去一天了。

It does not get any clearer 再明顯不過了

unscrupulous adj. 不道德的; 無道德原則的; 不誠實的; 不公正的;

scrupulous adj. 仔細的; 細緻的; 一絲不苟的; 審慎正直的; 恪守道德規範的;

stingiest adj.最小氣的,最吝嗇的( stingy的最高階 )

multimillionaire n. 擁有數百萬資產的富翁; 千萬富翁;

precipice n. 懸崖; 絕壁;

horde n. 一大群人

at a time 每次、依次

merit. 在司法中的意思是“法律依據” 做名詞時常見意思有:優點; 美德; 價值; 值得讚揚(或獎勵、欽佩)的特點; 功績; 長處; (學校或大學考試或作業的) 良好;

by the plight of 在困境中

plight n. 苦難; 困境; 苦境; v. 保證,約定;

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