

Unit 1

1. 名勝 somewhere interesting places of interest

2. 拍了不少照片 took quite a few photos

3. 對...厭倦 get/be tired of

4. 當然 of course/certainly

5. 記日記 keep a diary/diaries

6. 似乎做... seem to do...

7. 給...感覺 feel like

8. 因為 because (of)

9. 帶足夠的錢 bring enough money

10. 山下 below the mountain

11. 山之巔 at the top of...

12. 決定(不)幹... decide (not) to do...

13. 課外活動 after-school activities

14. 厭惡幹... dislike to do/doing

15.下大雨 rain hard/heavily

16. 大多數時間 most of the time

17. 影響/起作用 make a difference

18. 等待... wait for

19. 尋找 find/find out

20. 除...沒有 nothing...but...

21. 激動地跳上跳下 jump up and down in excitement

22. 沿途 along the way

23. 繼續 go on/continue

24. 最後5小時 the last 5 hours

Unit 2

1. 幾乎不做家務 hardly ever do housework

2. 去看牙醫 go to the dentist

3. 透過這個節目 through this program

4. 搖擺舞 swing dance

5. 保持健康(兩種) be in good health / keep healthy

6.一起看電視 watch TV together

7. 消失;死亡(過) die/died

8. 十分忙(兩種) quite full/ quite busy

9. 充滿 be full of

10.比如喝咖啡 such as drinking coffee

11.對身心健康 be healthy for body and mind

12.雜誌的作者 the writer of the magazine

13.至少/至多 at least/most

14.幾乎每天 almost everyday

15.少於/多於百分之八十 less/more than eighty percent

16.大概每週一次/兩次 maybe once/twice a week

17.然而;不過 however

18.指向 point at

19.上網(三種) go online/surf the Internet/ use the computer

20....的結果 the result of

21.儘管 although

Unit 3

1.更外向的 be more outgoing than

2.兩者都 both of/ both A and B

3.哪一個更好 which one is better

4.唱得更響亮 sing(sang) more loudly than

5.說得更輕柔 speak more quietly

6.更努力 be more hardworking

7.贏了唱歌比賽(過去式) Won the singing competition

8.唱得更清楚 sing more clearly

9.雖然 though(不能與but連用)

10.小學 Primary school

11.取得好成績 get good grades__

12.獲取資訊 get information

13.嚴肅對待 be serious about

14.像一面鏡子 be like a mirror

15.與..相像 be similar to

16.做..很必要 It is necessary to do sth

17.真的關心 truly care about

18.與之相同 the same as

19.使人發笑 make sb. laugh

20.俗話說得好 as a saying goes

21.伸出援手 reach for one’s hand

22.觸動心靈 touch one’s heart

23.摔壞手臂 break(broke) one’s arms

24.和某人分享 share with sb

Unit 4

1.最好的電影院 the best movie theater

2.最大的螢幕 the biggest screen

3.最舒適的座位 the most comfortable seat

4.買最便宜的票 buy tickets the most cheaply

5.最精心地選擇歌曲 choose songs the most carefully

6.最有創造力的才藝表演 the most creative talent show

7.認真對待 take…seriously

8.發揮作用 play a role in

9.一日三餐 three meals a day

10.最令人興奮的魔術師之一 One of the most exciting magicians

11.最差的服務 the worst service

12.例如 for example

13.得到好的獎品 get good prize

14.唱的最優美 sing the most beautifully

15.窮人 the poor

16.新鮮的空氣 fresh air

17.放棄 give up

19.adv.相當,十分adj.漂亮的 pretty

20.選單 menu

21.扮演v. act

22.擁擠 be crowded with

23.各種各樣的 all kinds of

24.離家近 be close to home

Unit 5

1.不介意做某事 don’t mind doing sth.

2.無法忍受做某事 can’t stand doing

3.計劃做某事 plan to do

4.希望做某事 hope to do sth.

5.期望做某事 expect to do sth

6.查明,弄清 find out

8.碰巧做某事 happen to do sth

9.講笑話 tell jokes

10.代替 take the place of

11.做得好 do a good job

12.參軍 join the army

13.裝扮成 dress up as/like

14.像...一樣簡單 as simple as

15.準備好做某事 be ready to do sth.

16.主要原因 main reason

17.變得成功和富有 become successful and rich

18.出現在 appear in/on

19.著名的電影 famous film

20.普通人 common man

21.有意義的/無意義的 meaningful/meaningless

22.美國文化 American culture

23.可能會失去女朋友 might lose the girlfriend

24.不幸運的 unlucky

25.有教育意義的新聞 educational news

26.一個卡通人物 a cartoon character

Unit 6

1.長大(過去式) grow up grew up

2.程式設計師/廚師/飛行員 computer programmer/cook/pilot

3.小提琴手/鋼琴家/科學家 violinist/pianist/scientist

4.對...有把握/確保 be sure about/make sure

5.大學畢業 finish college

6.他們自己吃藥 take some medicine by themselves

7.去倫敦接受教育 go to London for education

8.堅持寫文章 keep on writing articles

9.把...送給司機/醫生(過去式) send...to the doctor/driver

10.下定決心成為一名工程師 make a resolution to be an engineer

11.成為足球隊一員 make the soccer team

12.另外一門外語(外國人) another foreign language (foreigner)

13.能夠去上大學 be able to go to a university

14.許下諾言 make a promise

15.在...開始 at the beginning of

16.提升我們的生活 improve our lives

17.寫下來年計劃 write down the plan for the next/coming year

18.身體的健康 physical health

19.和更好的計劃有關 have to do with a better plan

20.質疑這個單詞的意義 question the meaning of the word

21.開始一個像畫畫的業餘愛好 take up a hobby like painting

22.做每週的計劃 make a weekly plan

23.做作業 do schoolwork

24.關於我自己的私人的自我提升 about my own self-improvement

26.太難以致不能堅持 too difficult to keep

Unit 7

1.在紙上 on paper

2.活到200歲 live to be 200 years old

3.將會有更少的汙染 will be less pollution

4.關於未來的預測 the prediction about the future

5.處於極大危險之中 be in great danger

6.種植更多的樹去保護環境 plant more trees to protect the environment

7.居住在地球上 live on the earth

8.參與到保護地球中來 play a part in saving the earth

9.在海里建造更多的建築 build more buildings in the sea

10.搬去其他星球 move to other planets

11.世界和平 word peace

12.街對面的一棟公寓 an apartment across the street from here

13.乘火箭去月球 fly a rocket to the moon

14.成為一名航天員 be an astronaut

15.居住在太空站 live on a space station

16.已經在危險的地方或者工廠裡工作了 already work in dangerous places or factories

17.反反覆覆地造車 build cars over and over again

18.像人類的僕人 like human servants

19.信不信由你 believe it or not

20.一些日本的機器人 some robots in Japan

21.同意/不同意某人 agree/disagree with...

22.可能花費數百年時間 may take hundreds of years

23.有不同的形狀 have different kinds of shapes

24.尋找建築物裡面的人 look for the people inside the buildings

25.倒塌跌倒(過去式) fall/fell down

26.似乎不可能 seem impossible

27.甚至能夠像人類一樣思考 even think like humans

28.你同意哪一方?which side do you agree?

29.可能只會養只鳥 probably keep a bird

30.在寒假期間 during the winter holiday

Unit 8

1.剝桔子 peel the oranges

2.切香蕉 cut up the bananas

3.pour...into 把...倒入

4.開啟機器 turn on the machine

5.多少乳酪/蘋果 how much/many

6.在那之後 after that

7.在...增加 add... to...

8.如何植樹 how to plant a tree

9.從...借書 borrow ...from...

10.兩片面包 two pieces of bread

11.用...填滿... fill... with... / be filled with / be full of

12.把..和..混合 mix up / mix... with...

13.用...覆蓋... cover... with... / be covered with

14.把..切成薄片 cut... into thin pieces

15.把...招待... serve... to...

16.把...視為 see...as... / regard...as...

17.主打菜 the main dish

18.傳統食物 traditional food

19.在兒童節 on Children’s Day

20.在高溫下 at a high temperature

21.再煮10分鐘 cook for another ten minutes

22.該做...時間了 It’s time to do... / It’s time for...

23.團圓/團聚 get together / reunion

24.把...裝盤 place...in a plate

25.忘記幹某事 forget to do sth.

26.與...握手 shake hands with

27.兩勺蜂蜜 two spoons of honey

28.製作水果沙拉 make fruit salad

29. 挖個洞(過去) dug a hole

Unit 9

1.為考試做準備 prepare for

2.得了流感 have the flu

3.閒逛 hang out

4.追上,趕上 catch up with

5.沒有做某事 without doing sth

6.期待做某事 look forward to doing

7.直到...才 not...until

8.有空 be available

9.樂意做某事 be glad to do sth

13.回覆 reply to

14.在工作日 on weekdays

16.列印郵件 print the information

17.派對準備 party preparation

18.對..感到驚奇 be surprised at

19.開幕式 the opening of

20.學校音樂會 the school concert

21.事件種類 kind of event

22.數以百計的客人 hundreds of guests

23.在日曆上 on the calendar

24.在白天 during the daytime

Unit 10

1.班會 a class meeting

2.看影片 watch a video/videos

3.組織派對遊戲 organize party games

4.給我一些建議 give me some advice

5.打車 take a taxi

6.環遊世界 travel around the world

7.正常的生活 normal life

8.一位謹慎的年輕人 a careful teenager

9.遺失錢包 lose one’s wallet

10.肯定很生氣 certainly be angry

11.建議某人做某事 advise sb to do

12.解決問題 solve the problem

13.犯粗心的錯誤 make careless mistakes

14.感到沮喪 feel upset

15.第一步 the first step

16.相信他自己 trust himself

17.有更多經驗 have more experience

18.走三英里到學校 walk three miles to school

19.非常善解人意 be really understanding

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