I was flying to Vegas from Kansas City sometime in summer 2017.
I saw group of indian girls(5~6) boarding the flight with me. I took a shining to one of them but being an introvert soul to the core, I put my headphones on and went back to my book.
An elderly white lady aged around 65, took seat next to me and instantly started conversation with me. I usually bury my face in book during flight. But I didn’t read a single page because of her in that flight. I have to admit that she was one of the most interesting human beings I’ve had ever talked to in my life.
She left corporate job for social service. She had mentored transgender people to gain confidence in the society. We talked about our life experiences, indian food, movies, book preferences, how she is helping her 96 year old mother to relocate and many other things. The lady couldn’t find her credit card so I even bought her a drink.
All this time, some of those girls were listening to our conversation. When the flight landed, one of them got up and said out loud in hindi,
“Yaar, kitna paka rahe hai ye dono.” (These 2 are boring as hell)
Second girl-“Drink pila ke ye aunty ko ghar le jane wala hai”
第二個女孩-“Drink pila ke ye aunty ko ghar le jane wala hai”
(He’ll get the lady drunk and take her to his place)(他會把那位女士灌醉,然後帶她去他的地方)
Third girl-“Umar ka to dhyan rakhle”
第三個女孩-“Umar ka to dhyan rakhle”
(Be ashamed about the age difference at least)
Second girl again-“Scene dekhne wala hoga aaj raat ka ye dono ka”
第二個女孩," Scene dekhne wala hoga aaj raat ka ye dono ka "
(It will be one hell of a show by these 2 tonight)
Needless to say, I was boiling on their remarks. I kept my anger under check because I didn’t want to ruin my day because of some random petty girls.
On that day, I got to know that our young generation has forgotten when to keep our mouths shut.
It will just be giggles for 2 minutes, but that will leave unforgettable impression on somebody else’s mind. The least you can do is respect your elders. I departed the flight telling those girls-
“To have better understanding, imagine your mum in the situation of the elderly lady. That’ll put the things into perspective for you I guess. If that doesn’t, then you have shit ton of things to figure out in your lives.”