

The word “virtue”,there is adouble people on the left, which means a lot of people;on the right is a ten,which means the intersection;the word four below is a transverse wave eye,whichrepresents eyes;and then the following is the word “one”,indicating the rule;atthe bottom is the word “heart”.The whole word “virtue”means that when we cometo the cross roads together, we have to make a choice,we should keep our eyeson the road ahead and be of one heart and one mind,follow the same rules,andput our whole heart into the Tao.So,morality is to do according to the Tao.Inother words, Tao is the law,following the law is the virtue.In other words,only when we have a clear understanding of the law can we have virtue and formpositive energy,get the blessing of the higher power of theuniverse;otherwise,if we speak virtue without the Tao, we will often deviatefrom the right way, that is, we will lose virtue.

However,nowadays when it comes tothe word of morality,the virtue at the back has been covered by the Tao in thefront——There is no strict standard to measure the so-called virtue;Withoutstandards, we all use our own standards to measure,thinking of yourself as themost virtuous person.So,a lot of people judge others naturally from their ownperspective,even if he did nothing, he still thought that “I was qualified tocriticize others”.Because he is using the saint's standard to demand others,but using the layman's standard to demand himself, so the faults always existin others.Instead,no matter what mistakes he made, he was always argues withreason,thinking himself right all the time……This is the most common state ofour society,the root of this phenomenon lies in abandoning the Tao in front ofthe virtue.

So,if the order is wrong,everything will get into a mess.The logic what LaoTzu told to us is also thebiggest law revealed in 《TaoTe Ching》,just told us that when we doing things we must follow therule that “put the Tao ahead and the virtue back”——Only when we have a clearunderstanding of the Tao can everything be in order;doing things according tothe Tao there will be no worries.

  • 30 歲後才懂:成年人的社交,為何難尋「不帶計算的真心」?
  • 馬上過年不想公公和婆婆回家過年,看見他們就煩!