

* PUA:PUA源於美國,全稱“Pick-up Artist”,原意是指“搭訕藝術家”,其原本是指男性接受過系統化學習、實踐並不斷更新提升、自我完善情商的行為,後來泛指很會吸引異性、讓異性著迷的人和其相關行為。PUA利用情感和精神、身體等多方位的操縱、反覆洗腦等方式,造成對公民個人多項權利的侵犯,在國際社會是被禁止和嚴厲打擊的行為。

Shia LaBeouf Kisses New Girlfriend Margaret Qualley at LAX Amid Abuse Allegations受到虐待指控的希亞·拉博夫在洛杉磯機場親吻新女友瑪格麗特·奎利(Margaret Qualley)

Shia LaBeouf and Margaret Qualley are packing on the PDA together.


* PDA:秀恩愛。Public display of affection – which is the physical demonstration of affection for another person while in full view of others, is expressed in different forms varying from holding hands to kissing passionately.

* 瑪格麗特·奎利(Margaret Qualley):演員、模特兼舞者,在《死亡擱淺》中扮演新出現的小姐姐“MAMA”,曾出演過美版《死亡筆記》裡的彌海砂,曾參演昆汀的新片《好萊塢往事》。

The new couple was spotted kissing at LAX airport over the weekend amid allegations made by Shia‘s ex FKA twigs of sexual battery and emotional abuse.


In photos obtained by Daily Mail, the actor was seen picking up Margaret in his pickup truck, where they began making out as she wrapped her leg around him. They continued to be affectionate inside of the truck, and stopped and kissed before paying for their parking.


The two also recently got naked in a short choreographed film called “Love Me Like You Hate Me” for Margaret‘s sister, Rainsford.

兩人最近還在為瑪格麗特的妹妹蘭斯福德(Rainsford)拍攝的短片《愛我如恨我》(Love Me Like You Hate Me)中貢獻了羅體鏡頭。

FKA twigs went public to accuse Shia of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress earlier this month, and he reacted with statements of his own confirming he’s been abusive to himself and “everyone” around him for years.

FKA twigs在本月早些時候公開指責希亞·拉博夫興侵犯和精神虐待,拉博夫對此發表宣告,證實他多年來一直虐待自己和周圍的“每一個人”。

FKA twigs Sues Shia LaBeouf for 'Relentless' Abuse & Sexual BatteryFKA twigs起訴希亞·拉博夫“無情”虐待和興侵犯

The 32-year-old musician, born Tahliah Debrett Barnett, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court against the 34-year-old actor, the New York Times reported Friday (December 11).

The lawsuit accuses Shia of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress.


According to the lawsuit, just after Valentine’s Day in 2019, Shia was driving recklessly in a car with FKA twigs before removing his seatbelt and threatening to crash unless she professed her love for him.


They were reportedly returning from a trip to the desert where he raged at her throughout, and once woke her up and choked her. When she begged to be let out of the car, he pulled over at a gas station and she took out her bags, but he assaulted her and threw her against the car and forced her back in, according to the suit.

The lawsuit claims that he physically, emotionally and mentally abused her many times in a relationship that lasted less than a year. It also claims that he gave her a sexually transmitted disease.


She said she wishes to come forward to show how anyone, celebrity or otherwise, can be involved in an abusive relationship.


“I’d like to be able to raise awareness on the tactics that abusers use to control you and take away your agency,” she said.

FKA 曾經是羅伯特 帕丁森的前未婚妻

Former girlfriend, stylist Karolyn Pho, opened up about similar allegations to the NYT, some of which are included in the lawsuit, including one incident when he reportedly drunkenly pinned her to a bed and head-butted her, enough that she bled.


Both women said in the lawsuit that he did not like it if they spoke to or looked at male waiters. FKA twigs said to the NYT she learned to keep her eyes down when men spoke to her, and claimed in the lawsuit that he had rules about how many times a day she had to kiss and touch him.

兩位女士都在訴訟中表示,他不喜歡她們和男服務員說話或對視。FKA twigs對《紐約時報》說,當男人和她說話時,她學會了低頭看,並在訴訟中聲稱,他對她一天要吻和摸他多少次有規定。

The lawsuit also says he kept a loaded firearm by the bed. FKA twigs claims she was scared to use the bathroom at night in case he accidentally thought she was an intruder. He also reportedly didn’t let her wear clothing to bed, and would spin small disagreements into all-night fights.

“I just thought to myself, no one is ever going to believe me. I’m unconventional. And I’m a person of color who is a female,” she explained in the interview with the outlet.


“The whole time I was with him, I could have bought myself a business-flight plane ticket back to my four-story townhouse in Hackney. He brought me so low, below myself, that the idea of leaving him and having to work myself back up just seemed impossible,” she went on to say.



Shia responded in an email on Thursday (December 10) to concerns of abuse allegations with a statement.



“I’m not in any position to tell anyone how my behavior made them feel. I have no excuses for my alcoholism or aggression, only rationalizations. I have been abusive to myself and everyone around me for years. I have a history of hurting the people closest to me. I’m ashamed of that history and am sorry to those I hurt. There is nothing else I can really say.”


When presented with a more detailed account of the claims, he said in another email that “many of these allegations are not true,” but he owed the women “the opportunity to air their statements publicly and accept accountability for those things I have done.”


He also said he was “a sober member of a 12-step program” and in therapy.


“I am not cured of my PTSD and alcoholism, but I am committed to doing what I need to do to recover, and I will forever be sorry to the people that I may have harmed along the way.”


He has been arrested several times in the past on charges that have since been dismissed, including assault and disorderly conduct, according to newspaper reports and public records.

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