

先來跟著《韓國時報》(The Korean Times)瞭解一下兩人的“星路”。

Hyun rose to stardom in 2003 via the sitcom "Nonstop 4" and became an Asian heartthrob by starring in "My Lovely Sam-soon." Success of romantic TV series "Worlds Within" and "Secret Garden" made him a globally published star, in addition to his relatively recent works that include "Memories of the Alhambra" and "Crash Landing On You."

2003年,玄彬憑藉情景喜劇《Nonstop 4》一舉成名,並因主演《我叫金三順》而成為亞洲的萬人迷。除了最近包括《阿爾罕布拉宮的回憶》和《愛的迫降》在內的作品之外,此前的愛情劇《他們生活的世界》和《秘密花園》的成功使玄彬成為一個在全球享有盛譽的影星。

Son emerged as the nation's "first love icon" via the films "Lover's Concerto" and "The Classic." Son earned acclamation from movie lovers by perfecting her role in films "A Moment to Remember" and "The Last Princess." She earned her place as a rom-com queen through multiple hit TV shows, including "Something in the Rain" and "Crash Landing on You."

孫藝珍則是透過電影《愛的協奏曲》和《假如愛有天意》成為全國的“初戀偶像”。憑藉在電影《我腦中的橡皮擦》和《德惠翁主》的完美出演,孫藝珍獲得了影迷們的廣泛讚譽。” 孫藝珍出演過多部大熱電視劇,包括《經常請吃飯的漂亮姐姐》和《愛的迫降》,這使她獲得了“愛情喜劇女王”之稱。


Star actor Hyun Bin and his on-screen partner in the hit drama "Crash Landing On You," Son Ye-jin, have been dating for eight months, their agencies confirmed Friday.


"The two have become intimate as co-stars and have developed such intimacy into a romantic one as lovers after the series concluded," said VAST Entertainment, the management of Hyun Bin, in a statement.

玄彬的經紀公司VAST Entertainment在一份宣告中表示:“作為聯合主演,兩人變得親密無間。在劇集結束後,他們的感情升溫,發展成了戀人。”


The two had repeatedly denied the dating rumors. Rumors had particularly intensified during their costarring on "Crash Landing On You," tvN's hit rom-com TV series that launched in December 2019, even followed by reports that the two were arranging a wedding.

The acknowledgement also came from Son's agency, including the fact that the relationship began in March, a month after the conclusion of the TV show.


之前,兩人一直以"我們只是好朋友"否認傳聞。2019 年 12 月兩人合作的《愛的迫降》開播。這裡要介紹下這部作品,這部玄彬和孫藝珍的定情作品來自於軍旅題材,其中不乏一些令人傷感的催淚彈情節。


在《愛的迫降》劇中男主角有一句臺詞:“因為不是偶然,而是命運 。" 網友們開玩笑稱,這句臺詞恰好與兩人命運般的愛情很配。而且韓媒還爆料,稱兩人已經著手在準備婚房,預計年內結婚。




在英文中說到結婚,我們會很自然地聯想到“marry”,但我想告訴大家的是“marry”不是“結婚”,“married with sb”也不是和某人結婚的意思。為什麼呢?因為很多人對“marry”的理解還不夠完全精確。


在英文中,我們要表達“嫁給某人/娶某人”的話,直接用“marry sb”就好,在該短語中marry用作及物動詞。要表達“結婚”的話,我們可以使用“get married”,該短語是最常用和最為地道的表達。

當“marry sb”表示“嫁給某人”時:

I'm going to ask her to marry me on St Valentine's Day.


當“marry sb”表示“娶某人”時:

I will never marry another woman if you should die before me.


要表達“某某某結婚”,“get married”才是最準確的表達:

No one expects young people in a tough global economy with a high cost of living to find a mate and get married right away.


“married with sb”並不是“和某人結婚”

其實,除了前面提到過的“marry sb”的表達方法外,我們還可以使用“get married to sb”或“be married to sb”,介詞是“to”,不是“with”,千萬可要記住啦!

Julia doesn't want to get married with someone for the sake of the marriage. (×)

Julia doesn't want to get married to someone for the sake of the marriage. (√)


get hitched

除了“get married”,關於“結婚”,英語中還有一個非常地道的表達:get hitched.

“hitch”有“勾住(牽手)”的意思,所以“get hitched”就可以用來表達結婚。

However, if you are considering getting married, consider your motivations and the best reasons to get hitched.


tie the knot

“tie the knot”也可以用來表達“結婚”。knot有“結,蝴蝶結”的意思,而tie則表示“系”,因此該短語表示“喜結良緣,永結同心”,可以用作關於“結婚”短語的同義替換。

Couples in China preparing to tie the knot have an additional wedding preparation to make: taking romantic wedding photos several months before the wedding itself.



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