




1.跟隨便一樣,約等於別問我。 That's a non-answer. You might as well tell me not to ask.

2.你這純屬抬槓了啊 Now you’re just trying to pick a fight.

3.你們耍我玩呢是吧 Are you freaking kidding me?(adv. 非常, 十分, 極)

4.這杯叫不共戴天 Now, think of this as a token of our implacable feud.

5.咱們兒三更半夜的什麼也看不見啊 We can’t see squat here at this hour. (n.獸穴 The lair of an animal such as a hare.)6.逗你呢 I was just messing with you.

7.陽光太刺眼,不太看得清。The sun is so bright that my vision is compromised. (adj.無法發揮最佳表現,特別是因為由於潛在疾病、糟糕環境暴露以及治療副作用引起的免疫反應, unable to function optimally,esp.with regard to immune response, owing to underlying disease, harmful environmental exposure, or the side effects of treatment.)

8.學習不主動,勞動也不自覺。吃飯我都不帶勁,睡醒了吧我也沒精神。I never study hard or do the chores. I even get tired of eating. I’m always sleepy while I’m awake.(四條中了幾條,有種被偷窺的感覺嘛?!)

9.無所謂吧 I don’t think that matters.

10.我試一下那個行不行 Can I have a go at that?(have a go at sth.的意思是“嘗試做某件事”;have a go at someone”的意思是“指責、批評、數落某人”。)

11.你又要什麼么蛾子呀 What scheme are you cooking up this time?(cook up: to devise something.策劃 It is a negative connotation.多用於貶義 A noun or pronoun can be used between "cook" and "up.兩者間可加名詞和代詞)

12.還有我媽為了兩毛三毛跟人軟磨硬泡的And mom, she goes on and on with people so she can save a few more nickels.

13.她得靠賣房子來填我這個無底洞 she has to sell her house so I’d have treatment for God knows how long?(No one knows except for God.)

14.我都記得滾瓜爛熟的I know thembackwards

15.批評教育我的時候特一套一套的 where was all that cockiness from when you were trying to lecture me?(n. [ˈkɑkɪnɪs] 驕傲自大conceited self-assurance)

16.怎麼換自己也了呢 Why are you such a wuss now?(n.<俚>懦弱的人, 無用的人)

17.隨我爸吧 Got that from dad, I guess.

18.媽 你們Mum, you guys totally SLAY.(秒殺全場slang, To succeed at something in a particularly impressive or dominant way.)

19.馬小遠突然暈倒,我們的青海之旅也戛然而止了Ma Xiaoyuan fainted abruptly and our trip to Qinghai ended in the same fashion.

20.對凡塵俗世永遠臊眉耷眼的 They could care less about the mundane world.(臊眉耷眼: 方言,形容羞愧的樣子。此處應該是指順從、隨意 )


1.二級有什麼了不起。That’s nothing to brag about. (吹噓,誇耀)

2.挺沒勁的。That’s just lame.( 指藉口或論據 蹩腳的, 軟弱無力的, 無說服力的. of an excuse or argument, weak and unconvincing )

3.別因為咋倆的過節耽誤了大事 Don’t blow off opportunities because of our stupid fight

4.我在群裡加你了 I friended you on WeChat. (v. 加好友)

5.給個面子嘛 Come on, help me out here.

6.今天辦了一件沒腦子的事 I did something dumb today.

7.甘願受罰 And it’s only fairthat I get punished.

8.我去吐會兒 I’m gonna go puke a little.( [pjuːk] 口語,嘔吐 n.&v.: vomit)

9.都給我散了Cut it out. (住手,停下,打住,別鬧了。相當於Stop doing that! Stop saying that!提醒別人在行為或語言上停止做某事。)

10.成天就知道瞎鬧 All you do is fooling around.

11.定期複查Get myself checked on a regular basis, though.

12.吃多了 I had too much skewers.( ['skjuːər] n. a long pin for holding meat in position while it is being roasted)

13.慢熱型 He just needs some time.

14.留著你這半條命,好好感受一下吧Quit pitying yourself and try to feel it.

15.看! Behold.(People used to say or write 'Behold' to draw people's attention to something. )

16.你怎麼那麼多事兒啊What’s your problem, man?

17.小紅花,獎勵你人生第一回積極主動 A little red flower. For taking the initiative for the first time.

18.願者上鉤唄 Just waiting for them to take the bait.

19.抽空你幫我(把照片)出來吧 Have them (photos) developed when you get a chance.

20.給我爸留個念想 so my dad would have something to remember me by.(未完待續)

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