

The best films of 2019


The Lighthouse


Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe take the leadin this five-star film, which is “about two mengetting sick of each other,” writes BBC Culture'sNicholas Barber. Co-written and directed byRobert Eggers, The Lighthouse was shot on35mm black-and-white film, and has an almostsquare aspect ratio, giving the film aclaustrophobic and aged feel that adds to thedramatic intensity of the central performances. “There is nowhere the story won't go and nothingthe actors won't do," writes Barber.

由羅伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)和威廉·達福(Willem Dafoe)領銜主演的《燈塔》廣受讚譽,這部電影講述的是“兩個燈塔看守人厭倦彼此的故事,” BBC文化 頻道的尼古拉斯·巴爾博如是說。羅伯特·艾格斯擔任本部影片的編劇兼導演。電影的黑白畫面和4:3 的畫面比例讓影片懷舊感和窒息感十足,也因此大大增加了電影的緊張、刺激感。巴伯(Barber)評論道:“故事情節出其不意,演員們的表演引人入勝。”

Little Women


The second feature film from Greta Gerwig, following 2018's Lady Bird, this seventh silver-screen adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's seminaland hugely inspiring novel may be the best yet. The star-studded cast includes Saoirse Ronan(nominated for a Golden Globe for herperformance as Jo), Emma Watson, FlorencePugh, Eliza Scanlen, Timothée Chalamet, MerylStreep and Laura Dern. Caryn James writes: “Greta Gerwig's wonderous adaptation cutsthrough the novel's moralistic surface to mine thethemes beneath: feminism, creativity, independence and individuality.

《小婦人》是繼2018年《伯德小姐》之後,由格蕾塔·葛韋格(Greta Gerwig)導演的第二部劇情電影。這已經是路易莎·梅·奧爾科特(Louisa MayAlcott)所著的同名小說的第七次劇改,而這部電影便是至今所有作品裡最優秀的。影片眾星芸集,包括西爾莎·羅南(Saoirse Ronan,在影片中飾演喬而受到金球獎提名)、艾瑪·沃特森(EmmaWatson,)、佛羅倫斯·珀(Florence Pugh)、伊萊扎·斯坎倫(Eliza Scanlen)、提莫西·查拉梅(Timothée Chalamet)、梅麗爾·斯特里普(MerylStreep)和勞拉·鄧恩(Laura Dern)。卡琳·詹姆斯(Caryn James)這樣評價道:“格蕾塔·葛韋格改編得十分精彩,影片從道德層面切入,繼而挖掘深層次的東西,例如女權主義、創造力、獨立和個性。”

The Irishman


Scorsese's swansong to the genre he helped todefine is a glacially-paced epic, with digitally de-aged stars, very little speech for its female rolesand forensic attention to detail. At nearly 3 hoursand 20 minutes, and spanning 50 years, TheIrishman “offers a sharp look at how corruption inpolitics and business makes its way into US life,” Caryn James writes for BBC Culture. Starringlegends of the genre Robert De Niro, Al Pacinoand Joe Pesci; Christina Newland writes that thefilm acknowledges the actors’ and director'sadvanced years “by taking the gangster film to itsmost logical extension: old age and death.”

藉助電腦特效讓年過七十的羅伯特·德尼羅(RobertDe Niro)返老還童,女性演員簡短的對白以及對細節的極度關注,馬丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)的告別作堪稱史詩級鉅製,三小時二十分鐘的時間內展現50年曆史,《愛爾蘭人》“用犀利的視角向觀眾展現了腐敗是如何滲透美國政治經濟的,” 卡琳·詹姆斯(Caryn James)在BBC文化欄目中作出如此評價。影片由羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert DeNiro)、阿爾·帕西諾(Al Pacino)和喬·佩西(JoePesci)主演;克里斯蒂娜·紐蘭(ChristinaNewland)寫道,這部電影“對黑幫片進行了邏輯上的延伸,一直到老年和死亡,”充分展現了導演和演員的修行和智慧。

Marriage Story


Marriage Story tells the story of a painful cross-country divorce with brutal honesty. Charlie(Adam Driver) and Nicole (Scarlett Johansson) decide not to get lawyers involved, but thatpromise is soon broken when Nicole moves backto LA with their young son. It is written anddirected by Noah Baumbach, who told The NewYork Times “this movie is not autobiographical; it'spersonal, and there's a true distinction in that,” inresponse to questions over whether it was basedon his own divorce. “Everyone plays his or hercharacter to perfection,” writes Matt Goldberg inCollider, continuing: “Baumbach's movie isendlessly compelling not because of hatred, butbecause of love”.

《婚姻故事》講述了一場痛苦的橫跨美國的離婚拉鋸戰,影片殘酷且現實。查理(亞當·德賴弗飾,Adam Driver)和妮可(斯嘉麗·約翰遜飾,ScarlettJohansson)決定離婚但不願讓律師參與,但是這一諾言很快隨著妮可帶著兒子回到洛杉磯而打破。影片由諾亞·鮑姆巴赫(Noah Baumbach)編劇並導演,他告訴紐約時報說“這部影片不是自傳,只是和個人相關,這兩個概念有根本區別,”這也是他對該影片是否建立在個人離婚基礎上這一問題做出的迴應。“每個人都將自己的角色演得淋漓盡致,”馬特·戈德堡(Matt Goldberg)在娛樂網站Collider上如是評論道,“鮑姆巴赫的電影引人入勝,不是因為恨而是因為愛”。

Jojo Rabbit


This absurdist comedy about a 10-year-old Nazifinding a Jewish teenager hidden in his house isuniquely brilliant. As Nicholas Barber writes forBBC Culture: “It is a film that, even when it isn'tentirely working, astonishes you with its veryexistence. A feel-good comedy? With children? About anti-Semitism? And Hitler? We won't begetting many more of those this year.” Written, directed by and starring Taika Waititi (as acartoonish Hitler), Jojo Rabbit “balances light anddarkness remarkably well”.

這部荒謬喜劇講述的是一個10歲納粹小男孩發現家中藏著一個猶太女孩的故事,影片十分出色。尼古拉斯·巴爾博評論道:“這部影片的製作不是特別出色,但是仍然震撼人心。令人心情舒坦的戲劇?兒童?反猶太人?還有希特勒?這年頭,這樣的影片不多了。” 由塔伊加·維迪提(Taika Waititi)編劇、導演、主演(飾演希特勒),《喬喬的異想世界》“十分成功地平衡了光明與黑暗”。

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