

Sha Yiting's first single "Random Talk" after "Rap and Singing of the New Generation" was recently launched. "Manga comics, fairy tale words" is Sha Yiting's interpretation of the song title. "Juvenile Adventurer" Sha Yiding used his dream experience to compose "an absolutely romantic but realistic fairy tale". After the new generation of rap was broadcast, he gained more confidence and attention. He grew from a fledgling teenager in "Sooner" to an ambitious "young adventurer" in "Random".(來源:Google翻譯)

《漫話》是沙一汀成長三部曲中的第二部。如果說作為三部曲首部的《早點早點》“I’m calm now but I'm waiting”傳遞了他對未來的野望和蓄勢待發,第二部《漫話》裡“我已經不再waiting,我每天都在rising”,則代表著沙一汀音樂旅途的全新起跑。不管環境如何變化,他永遠保持著對音樂的追逐與堅持。在《漫話》中,沙一汀以自己的故事與體會,鼓勵那些同樣擁有夢想的人:儘管現實殘酷,但洶湧航途的遠方就是閃耀的彼岸。

"Random Talk" is the second part of Sha Yiding's growth trilogy. If it is said that "I'm calm now but I'm waiting", as the first part of the trilogy, "I'm calm now but I'm waiting" conveys his ambition for the future and ready to go, in the second "Random", "I'm no longer waiting , I’m rising every day", which represents the new start of Sha Yiding’s music journey. No matter how the environment changes, he will always maintain the pursuit and persistence of music. In "Talking", Sha Yiding uses his own stories and experiences to encourage those who also have dreams: Although the reality is cruel, the turbulent voyage is beyond the shining shore.(來源:


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