結婚7年多的陳茵媺(Aimee)和陳豪(阿Mo)是圈中公認的模範夫妻,愛錫小朋友的阿Mo一唔使開工就會陪老婆同仔女,可謂絕世好男人。今日年三十,一班人妻都忙於準備年夜飯,靚太Aimee亦唔少例外,不過下午她居然仍有空嘆杯咖啡兼Update嚇IG,她寫道:「Mid CNY cooking coffee break. Only bc my one and only just got home from work to make some! #cny2021 #cookingwithaimee」隨後又上載老公單手拋鑊片,她續道:「My baby is back! And I can rest... A teeny tiny bit. #cookinghusband #hotness #puttingmusclestogooduse」原來阿Mo一收工就返屋企幫手煮飯,等Aimee可以趁機嘆啡唞一唞,值得一提的是,片中阿Mo喺屋企都長期戴住口罩,以保護妻兒健康,真系唔話得!
此外,Aimee亦貼出阿Mo幫7歲大仔Aiden剪髮的照片,她以英文留言:「@moses_chan_ had a few hours before filming a few days ago and he does daddy duty before heading off to work. I remember realising he was better at this than me a few years back and secretly I was jumping for joy as one less thing off of mama's long to-do list! Guilty! #cuttinghair #cny2021 #daddylife #actorslife #hissidejob(阿Mo日前喺拍攝前有幾個鍾,渠都盡咗爸爸慨責任先去開工。記得渠呢方面(剪髮)比我叻,喺我張長長慨to-do list入面又少樣野做啦,好開心,同時都好有罪惡感!)」