



007原著小說作者伊恩·弗萊明(Ian Fleming)的不朽動作英雄在他的爆炸性電影處女作中,經歷了他最壯觀的冒險之一。邦德(Sean Connery)的任務將他帶到牙買加,在那兒,神秘的能量波正在干擾美國的導彈發射。當他揭露真相時,邦德在尋找險惡的之諾博士的總部時必須與致命的刺客和蛇蠍美人作戰,後者正在實施一項邪惡的世界統治計劃。

Sean Connery, Ursula Andress, Joseph Wiseman, Bernard Lee, Jack Lord, Lois Maxwell, Zena Marshall, Eunice Gayson

In his explosive film debut, Ian Fleming’s immortal action hero blazes through one of his most spectacular adventures. Bond’s (Sean Connery) mission takes him to Jamaica, where mysterious energy waves are interfering with U.S. missile launches. As he unravels the truth, Bond must fight deadly assassins and femme fatales as he searches for the headquarters of the sinister Dr. No, who is implementing an evil plan of world domination.

007系列的第2部《俄羅斯之戀》From Russia with Love,1963年10月10日上映,特倫斯·楊導演,肖恩·康納利主演,邦女郎為丹尼拉·碧安琪。

《俄羅斯之戀》From Russia with Love(1963)

SPECTER制定了一項計劃,計劃竊取一個解碼器,該解碼器將訪問俄羅斯的國家機密,並且將不可避免地破壞世界秩序。奪取該裝置的機率高達007(Sean Connery),但他必須面對包括Red Grant(Robert Shaw)和前克格勃特工Roza Klebb(Lotte Lenya)在內的敵人。即使在邦德向蘇聯叛逃者(丹妮拉·比安奇(Daniela Bianchi))進發浪漫之際,他仍然意識到自己正被引誘到致命陷阱中,並且將需要他所有的能力來戰勝試圖摧毀他的部隊。

Sean Connery, Daniela Bianchi, Pedro Armendariz, Lotte Lenya, Robert Shaw, Bernard Lee, Eunice Gayson, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn

SPECTRE has hatched a plan to steal a decoder that will access Russian state secrets and irrevocably unbalance the world order. It is up to 007 (Sean Connery) to seize the device, but he must confront enemies that include Red Grant (Robert Shaw) and former KGB agent Rosa Klebb (Lotte Lenya). Even as Bond romances a Soviet defector (Daniela Bianchi), he realises he is being lured into a deadly trap and will need all of his abilities to triumph over the forces that seek to destroy him.



從夜總會外的炸彈爆炸到總統私人飛機的最後一刻逃逸,詹姆斯·邦德的第三次銀幕冒險都是令人振奮的,令人振奮的驚險刺激。肖恩·康納利(Sean Connery)擔任007的指揮官,與瘋狂的惡棍面對面,他們決心摧毀諾克斯堡(Fort Knox)的所有黃金,並摧毀世界經濟。

Sean Connery, Gert Fröbe, Honor Blackman, Shirley Eaton, Lois Maxwell, Bernard Lee, Cec Linder, Desmond Llewelyn

From the opening bomb blast outside a nightclub to a last-minute escape from the President’s personal jet, James Bond’s third screen adventure is an exhilarating, pulse-pounding thrill-ride. Sean Connery takes command as 007 and faces off with a maniacal villain bent on destroying all the gold in Fort Knox – and obliterating the world economy.



隨著詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)潛入他的第四次冒險之旅,充滿爆炸性對抗和令人驚歎的水下動作序列,這些刺激從未停止。康納利(Connery)超越使命召喚-來到海洋深處-前往拿騷(Dassau)追捕威脅要跌倒世界的惡棍Emilio Largo(Adolfo Celi),將其獨特的風格和魅力帶到了007。變成核大屠殺。

Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, Adolfo Celi, Luciana Paluzzi, Rik Van Nutter, Bernard Lee, Martine Beswicke, Molly Peters, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn

The thrills never let up as James Bond dives into his fourth adventure filled with explosive confrontations and amazing underwater action sequences. Connery brings his characteristic style and magnetism to 007 as he goes above the call of duty – and to the bottom of the ocean – when he travels to Nassau to track down the villainous criminal Emilio Largo (Adolfo Celi) who is threatening to plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust.

007系列的第5部《雷霆谷》 You Only Live Twice,1967年6月13日上映,劉易斯·吉爾伯特導演,肖恩·康納利主演,邦女郎為若林映子。

《雷霆谷》 You Only Live Twice(1967)

太空災難將人類推向第三次世界大戰,只有詹姆斯·邦德(塞恩·康納利)才能阻止它。當美國和蘇聯的宇宙飛船在地球軌道上被劫持時,007必須努力防止兩個超級大國之間發生核戰爭。他的危險任務將他帶到日本,在那裡他必須制止SPECTER組織及其惡魔般的領導人恩斯特·斯塔夫羅·布洛菲爾德(Ernst Stavro Blofeld)(唐納德·請恩斯),該組織被藏在一座不活動的火山的龐大總部中。

Sean Connery, Donald Pleasence, Akiko Wakabayashi, Mie Hama, Tetsuro Tanba, Bernard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn

A disaster in space pushes humankind toward World War III, and only James Bond (Sean Connery) can prevent it. When U.S. and Soviet spaceships are hijacked in Earth’s orbit, 007 must race to prevent a nuclear war between the two superpowers. His dangerous mission takes him to Japan, where he must stop the SPECTRE organisation and its diabolical leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Donald Pleasence), hidden away in a massive headquarters in an inactive volcano.

007系列的第6部《女王密使》On Her Majesty's Secret Service,1969年12月18日上映,彼特·R·亨特導演,喬治·拉扎貝主演,邦女郎為黛安娜·裡格。

《女王密使》On Her Majesty's Secret Service(1969)

詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)在這部動感十足的史詩片中潛入詭reach的瑞士阿爾卑斯山。喬治·拉岑比(George Lazenby)充滿信心和不可否認的魅力進入了007的角色,甚至與美麗誘人的特雷西·迪·維森佐(Diana Di Vicenzo)(戴安娜·裡格(Diana Rigg))相愛。但首先,邦德必須制止邪惡的SPECTER組織和該組織的有力領導者恩斯特·斯塔夫羅·布洛費爾德(Telly Savalas)開展可能殺死數百萬人的細菌戰陰謀。

George Lazenby, Diana Rigg, Telly Savalas, Lois Maxwell, Joanna Lumley, Bernard Lee, Desmond Llewelyn

James Bond goes undercover in the treacherous Swiss Alps in this action-packed epic. George Lazenby steps into the role of 007 with supreme confidence and undeniable charisma, even finding love with the beautiful and seductive Tracy Di Vicenzo (Diana Rigg). But first, Bond must stop the evil SPECTRE organisation and the group’s powerful leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Telly Savalas), from launching a germ warfare plot that could kill millions.

007系列的第7部《金剛鑽》Diamonds Are Forever,1971年12月14日上映,蓋伊·漢彌爾頓導演,肖恩·康納利主演,邦女郎為吉爾·聖約翰。

《金剛鑽》Diamonds Are Forever(1971)

大量鑽石被盜使詹姆斯·邦德重返行動,並帶領他進行了令人震驚的追逐,穿越了阿姆斯特丹,洛杉磯,最後是閃閃發光的拉斯維加斯。特工007(Sean Connery)在調查世界鑽石市場上的神秘活動時,發現他的邪惡剋星布洛費爾德(查爾斯·格雷)正在堆放寶石供其致命的鐳射衛星使用……世界的命運懸而未決。

Sean Connery, Jill St. John, Charles Gray, Lana Wood, Jimmy Dean, Norman Burton, Bernard Lee, Desmond Llewelyn, Lois Maxwell

A fortune in stolen diamonds thrust James Bond back into action and leads him on a nerve-shattering chase through Amsterdam, Los Angeles and, eventually, glittery Las Vegas. While investigating mysterious activities in the world diamond market, Agent 007 (Sean Connery) discovers that his evil nemesis Blofeld (Charles Gray) is stock-piling the gems to use in his deadly laser satellite… and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

007系列的第8部《生死關頭》Live and Let Die,1973年6月27日上映,蓋伊·漢彌爾頓導演,羅傑·摩爾主演,邦女郎為簡·西摩。

《生死關頭》Live and Let Die(1973)

憑藉魅力,機智和致命的保證,羅傑·摩爾(Roger Moore)首次作為經典的MI6經紀人加入了溫柔,精緻而致命的007。邦德在一場冒險中與黑魔法的力量作戰,這場冒險使他從紐約市的街道到路易斯安那州的巴尤國家受傷,因為他面對著伏都教崇拜的沙皇(Yaphet Kotto),後者決心消滅邦德並接管世界。

Roger Moore, Yaphet Kotto, Jane Seymour, Gloria Hendry, Lois Maxwell, David Hedison, Bernard Lee, Desmond Llewelyn

With charm, wit and deadly assurance, Roger Moore steps in as the suave, sophisticated – and lethal – 007 in his first outing as the classic MI6 agent. Bond battles the forces of black magic in an adventure that hurtles him from the streets of New York City to Louisiana’s bayou country as he faces off against a voodoo-worshipping drug czar (Yaphet Kotto) who is determined to eliminate Bond and take over the world.

007系列的第9部《金槍人》The Man with the Golden Gun,1974年12月19日上映,蓋伊·漢彌爾頓導演,羅傑·摩爾主演,邦女郎為布里特·艾克拉諾。

《金槍人》The Man with the Golden Gun(1974)

詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)被標記為死亡,他需要所有致命的直覺和誘人的魅力才能生存。羅傑·摩爾(Roger Moore)返回007,與世界聞名的刺客弗朗西斯科·斯卡拉曼加(Christopher Lee)進行致命的貓鼠對抗,他的選擇武器是一把獨特的金手槍。當Scaramanga抓住了無價的Solex能量轉換器時,007必須竭盡所能加以恢復。

Roger Moore, Christopher Lee, Britt Ekland, Maud Adams, Herve Villechaize, Bernard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn

James Bond has been marked for death, and he’ll need all his lethal instincts and seductive charm to survive. Roger Moore returns as 007 and faces off in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse with world-renowned assassin Francisco Scaramanga (Christopher Lee), whose weapon of choice is a distinctive gold pistol. When Scaramanga seizes the priceless Solex energy converter, 007 must do everything he can to recover it.

007系列的第10部《海底城》The Spy Who Loved Me,1977年7月7日上映,劉易斯·吉爾伯特導演,羅傑·摩爾主演,邦女郎為芭芭拉·貝芝。

《海底城》The Spy Who Loved Me(1977)

沒有人比邦德做得更好,他在《愛我的間諜》中再次證明了這一點,他將他從埃及金字塔帶到了抗重力的山頂滑雪追逐者。羅傑·摩爾(Roger Moore)與美麗的蘇聯特工安雅·阿瑪索娃(Barbara Bach)聯手,為007帶來了獨特的風格。這條致命路線導致了億萬富翁航運大亨卡爾·斯特羅姆伯格(Karl Stromberg)的致命追捕。

Roger Moore, Barbara Bach, Caroline Munro, Lois Maxwell, Richard Kiel, Curd Jurgens, Bernard Lee, Desmond Llewelyn

Nobody does it better than Bond, and he proves it once again in The Spy Who Loved Me whichtakes him from the Egyptian pyramids to a gravity-defying mountaintop ski chase. Roger Moore brings inimitable style to 007 as he and the beautiful Soviet Agent Anya Amasova (Barbara Bach) team up to investigate missing Allied and Russian atomic submarines, following a deadly trail that leads to billionaire shipping magnate Karl Stromberg (Curt Jurgens).



羅傑·摩爾(Roger Moore)飾演詹姆士·邦德(James Bond),這是他的第四個駐地,在這場冒險中,從威尼斯飛到里約熱內盧,再到外層空間,爆炸進入軌道。當邦德調查劫持一架美國太空梭時,他和美麗的美國國家航空航天局科學家霍莉·古德黑德(洛伊斯·智利)很快就陷入了與雨果·德拉克斯(邁克爾·朗斯代爾)的生死鬥爭中。摧毀地球上所有人類的生命。

Roger Moore, Lois Chiles, Michael Lonsdale, Richard Kiel, Corinne Clery, Bernard Lee, Desmond Llewelyn, Lois Maxwell

Roger Moore returns for his fourth stint as James Bond and blasts into orbit in this adventure that takes 007 from Venice to Rio de Janeiro and on to outer space. When Bond investigates the hijacking of an American space shuttle, he and beautiful NASA scientist Holly Goodhead (Lois Chiles) are soon locked in a life-or-death struggle against Hugo Drax (Michael Lonsdale), a power-mad industrialist whose horrific scheme may destroy all human life on Earth.

007系列的第12部《最高機密》For Your Eyes Only,1981年6月26日上映,約翰·格蘭導演,羅傑·摩爾主演,邦女郎為卡洛爾·布蓋。

《最高機密》For Your Eyes Only(1981)

羅傑·摩爾(Roger Moore)以致命的姿態描繪特工007,因為邦德滲透到希臘黑社會中,以確保能夠控制核潛艇艦隊的系統。從海洋的深處到山峰,邦德將為這架緊繃而快節奏的驚悚片(在邦德系列中的第12部影片)中的俄羅斯人所掌握而戰鬥直至死亡。

Roger Moore, Carole Bouquet, Julian Glover, Topol, Lynn-Holly Johnson, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn

Roger Moore portrays Agent 007 with lethal determination as Bond infiltrates the Greek underworld to secure a system capable of controlling a fleet of nuclear submarines. From the depths of the ocean to mountain peaks, Bond will fight to the death to keep the device out of the hands of the Russians in this taut, fast-paced thriller, the 12th in the iconic Bond series.



007(James Bond)(羅傑·摩爾(Roger Moore))再次回到激動人心的冒險之旅中,007調查了一名同夥特工的謀殺案。這條小徑通往神秘的八達通(Maud Adams),其旅行馬戲團裡有一群熱情,運動的女性。邦德和八爪魚有一個充滿激情的吸引力,但不久之後007發現優雅的卡瑪爾·汗(Louis Jourdan)正在與一個瘋狂的俄羅斯軍官合作,將人類投擲到第三次世界大戰中。

Roger Moore, Maud Adams, Louis Jourdan, Kristina Wayborn, Kabir Bedi, Steven Berkoff, Vijay Amritraj, Desmond Llewelyn, Robert Brown, Lois Maxwell

James Bond (Roger Moore) is back in an electrifying adventure as 007 investigates the murder of a fellow agent who was found clutching a priceless Fabergé egg. The trail leads to the mysterious Octopussy (Maud Adams), whose travelling circus features a company of luscious, athletic women. Bond and Octopussy share a passionate attraction, but soon 007 discovers that the elegant Kamal Khan (Louis Jourdan) is working with a mad Russian officer to hurl mankind into World War III.

007系列的第14部《雷霆殺機》A View to a Kill,1985年5月24日上映,約翰·格蘭導演,羅傑·摩爾主演,邦女郎為葛蕾絲·瓊斯。

《雷霆殺機》A View to a Kill(1985)

羅傑·摩爾(Roger Moore)為他在詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)中的這部白節間諜間諜驚悚片中的最終表演賦予幽默感,優雅和致命的魅力。邦德面臨著瘋狂的工業家麥克斯·佐林(Max Zorin)(克里斯托弗·沃肯(Christopher Walken))的想法,他制定了一個計劃壟斷世界微晶片市場,儘管他必須為此殺死數百萬人。但是在邦德阻止狂人之前,他必須面對佐林美麗而致命的伴侶“五月天”(格蕾絲·瓊斯)。

Roger Moore, Christopher Walken, Tanya Roberts, Grace Jones, Fiona Fullerton, Desmond Llewelyn, Robert Brown, Lois Maxwell

Roger Moore lends humour, elegance and lethal charm to his final performance as James Bond in this white-knuckle, espionage thriller. Bond confronts Max Zorin (Christopher Walken), a power-mad industrialist who has devised a plan to corner the world’s microchip market, even if he has to kill millions to do it. But before Bond can stop the madman, he must confront Zorin’s beautiful and deadly companion, May Day (Grace Jones).

007系列的第15部《黎明生機》The Living Daylights,1987年6月30日上映,約翰·格蘭導演,提摩西·道爾頓主演,邦女郎為瑪瑞亞·達波。

《黎明生機》The Living Daylights(1987)

蒂莫西·道爾頓(Timothy Dalton)作為超級經紀人詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)出道的首映電影中表現得很溫柔,狡猾和致命。007特工帶著敏銳的直覺,輕巧的阿斯頓·馬丁及其殺人許可證,必須與惡魔般的武器商人作戰,這些商人在恐怖的陰謀中團結起來,共同謀殺可能與蘇聯軍事高階指揮官聯絡在一起的世界統治。

Timothy Dalton, Maryam D’Abo, Caroline Bliss, Jeroen Krabbé, Desmond Llewelyn

Timothy Dalton is suave, cunning and lethal in his debut film as super agent James Bond. Armed with razor-sharp instincts, a gadget-laden Aston Martin and his licence to kill, Agent 007 must battle diabolical arms merchants who are united in a terrifying conspiracy for world domination that may be linked to the Soviet military high command.

007系列的第16部《殺人執照》Licence to Kill,1989年7月14日上映,約翰·格蘭導演,提摩西·道爾頓主演,邦女郎為凱莉·洛維。

《殺人執照》Licence to Kill(1989)

詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)轉向叛徒,在這種令人興奮的特技,微妙的幽默和爆炸性對峙中追捕一名罪犯。蒂莫西·道爾頓(Timothy Dalton)對007的刻畫帶來了緊迫感,魅力和致命的決心,他離開了英國特勤局,並在他的朋友費利克斯·萊特(David Hedison)被毒ord弗朗茨·桑切斯(Franz Sanchez)(羅伯特·戴維(Robert Davi))殘酷地襲擊後開始了激烈的仇殺。

Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell, Robert Davi, Talisa Soto, Desmond Llewelyn, Caroline Bliss

James Bond turns renegade to hunt down a master criminal in this thrill-ride that is packed with awesome stunts, subtle humour and explosive confrontations. Timothy Dalton brings urgency, charm and deadly determination to his portrayal of 007, who leaves the British Secret Service and begins a fierce vendetta after his friend Felix Leiter (David Hedison) is brutally attacked by drug lord Franz Sanchez (Robert Davi).

007系列的第17部《黃金眼》Golden Eye,1995年11月17日上映,馬丁·坎貝爾導演,皮爾斯·布魯斯南主演,邦女郎為伊莎貝拉·斯科魯普科。

《黃金眼》Golden Eye(1995)

毫不費力地和and而精緻的皮爾斯·布魯斯南(Pierce Brosnan)在這部驚悚片中首次亮相,成為特工007,其開場順序最為令人矚目。當特工006(Sean Bean)轉向流氓並用恐怖的星載武器計劃世界統治時,邦德必須追隨他的前盟友前往古巴,蒙特卡洛,瑞士和俄羅斯,同時躲避性感,致命的蛇蠍美人(Famke Janssen)誰都不會停下來,將這股壓迫強悍的間諜帶走。

Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Izabella Scorupco, Famke Janssen, Judi Dench, Samantha Bond, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Cumming

The effortlessly suave and sophisticated Pierce Brosnan makes his debut as Agent 007 in this thriller featuring the most eye-popping opening sequence yet. When Agent 006 (Sean Bean) turns rogue and plans world domination with a terrifying satellite-borne weapon, Bond must pursue his former ally to Cuba, Monte Carlo, Switzerland and Russia, all whilst dodging a sexy, deadly femme fatale (Famke Janssen) who will stop at nothing to put the squeeze on the intrepid spy.

007系列的第18部《明日帝國》Tomorrow Never Dies,1997年12月09日上映,羅傑·斯波蒂斯伍德導演,皮爾斯·布魯斯南主演,邦女郎為楊紫瓊。

《明日帝國》Tomorrow Never Dies(1997)

皮爾斯·布魯斯南(Pierce Brosnan)在這個激動人心的冒險中返回007。一位精神錯亂的媒體大亨(喬納森·普賴斯)試圖透過策劃世界超級大國之間的致命對峙來破壞世界經濟,以期為其媒體集團取得高收視率。現在,邦德必須在這場邪惡的策劃活動中結束這場恐怖統治,以結束他的恐怖統治並防止第三次世界大戰。

Pierce Brosnan, Jonathan Pryce, Michelle Yeoh, Teri Hatcher, Judi Dench, Samantha Bond

Pierce Brosnan returns as 007 in this thrilling adventure. A deranged media tycoon (Jonathan Pryce) tries to destabilise the world economy by orchestrating a deadly standoff between world superpowers in an attempt to achieve high ratings for his media conglomerate. Now, Bond must take on this evil mastermind in a battle to end his reign of terror and prevent World War III.

007系列的第19部《黑日危機》The World Is Not Enough,1999年11月19日上映,邁克爾·艾普特導演,皮爾斯·布魯斯南主演,邦女郎為蘇菲·瑪索。

《黑日危機》The World Is Not Enough(1999)


Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Marceau, Robert Carlyle, Denise Richards, Robbie Coltrane, Judi Dench, Desmond Llewelyn, John Cleese, Samantha Bond

When Agent 007 (Pierce Brosnan) is assigned to protect a beautiful oil heiress (Sophie Marceau), he is catapulted into a passionate adventure that pits him against one of his most deadly adversaries: Renard (Robert Carlyle), a ruthless anarchist whose total imperviousness to pain makes him a virtually unstoppable enemy. The unrelenting suspense, breathtaking action and sly wit never let up in this explosively entertaining thriller.

007系列的第20部《擇日而亡》Die Another Day,2002年11月22日上映,李·塔瑪霍瑞導演,皮爾斯·布魯斯南主演,邦女郎為哈莉·貝瑞。

《擇日而亡》Die Another Day(2002)


Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Toby Stephens, Rosamund Pike, Rick Yune, Judi Dench, Samantha Bond

James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) pulls out all the stops in this adrenaline-pumping ride across the globe. When his mission is sabotaged, Bond finds himself captured by the enemy and abandoned by MI6. Determined to get revenge, Bond goes head-to-head with a sultry spy (Halle Berry), a frosty agent (Rosamund Pike) and a shadowy billionaire (Toby Stephens) whose business is diamonds… but whose secret is a diabolical weapon that could bring the world to its knees.

007系列的第21部《皇家賭場》Casino Royale,2006年11月16日上映,特倫斯·楊導演,肖恩·康納利主演,邦女郎為克勞迪娜·奧格爾。

《皇家賭場》Casino Royale(2006)

皇家賭場標誌著丹尼爾·克雷格(Daniel Craig)首次以傳奇的詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)的身份出現在他的職業生涯之初,他剛剛獲得00的身份和殺人許可。他的目標是:殘酷無情的恐怖金融家勒·奇夫勒(Mads Mikkelsen)。從馬達加斯加的叢林到巴哈馬的海灘,邦德對Le Chiffre的追求導致在豪華的黑山賭場Royale舉行的高額撲克遊戲對決,以及在威尼斯大運河上令人瞠目結舌的大結局。

Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Caterina Murino

Casino Royale marks Daniel Craig’s first appearance as the legendary James Bond at the start of his career, having just earned 00 status and his licence to kill. His target: the ruthless terrorist financier known as Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen). From the jungles of Madagascar to the beaches of the Bahamas, Bond’s pursuit of Le Chiffre leads to a showdown in a high-stakes poker game at the luxurious Casino Royale in Montenego, and to a jaw-dropping finale on the Grand Canal in Venice.

007系列的第22部《量子危機》Quantum of Solace,2008年11月14日上映,馬克·福斯特導演,丹尼爾·克雷格主演,邦女郎為歐嘉·柯瑞蘭寇。

《量子危機》Quantum of Solace(2008)

為了不間斷地尋求遍及全球的正義,邦德(丹尼爾·克雷格(Daniel Craig))遇到了美麗但舉足輕重的卡米爾(Olga Kurylenko),後者將他帶到了多米尼克·格林(Mathieu Amalric)手中,他是一位無情的商人,是神秘量子分子中的一支重要力量組織。當邦德發現企圖控制世界上最重要的自然資源之一的陰謀時,他必須在叛逆,欺騙和謀殺的雷區中航行,以在量子為時已晚之前將其消滅。

Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Gemma Arterton

On a non-stop quest for justice that crisscrosses the globe, Bond (Daniel Craig) meets the beautiful but feisty Camille (Olga Kurylenko), who leads him to Dominic Greene (Mathieu Amalric), a ruthless businessman and major force within the mysterious Quantum organisation. When Bond uncovers a conspiracy to take control of one of the world’s most important natural resources, he must navigate a minefield of treachery, deception and murder to neutralise Quantum before it is too late.



當邦德(丹尼爾·克雷格(Daniel Craig))的最新任務出錯時,全世界的特工都將身處險境,並且MI6受到攻擊。這些事件導致M(Judi Dench)的權威受到情報和安全委員會新任主席Mallory(Ralph Fiennes)的挑戰。隨著MI6受到威脅,M只剩下一個她真正信任的盟友:邦德。跟隨神秘的席爾瓦(Javier Bardem),其致命和隱藏的動機尚未顯現,007則走上了陰影。

Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Bérénice Marlohe

When Bond’s (Daniel Craig) latest mission goes wrong, agents around the world are exposed and MI6 is attacked. These events cause M’s (Judi Dench) authority to be challenged by Mallory (Ralph Fiennes), the new Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee. With MI6 now compromised, M is left with only one ally she can truly trust: Bond. 007 takes to the shadows, following a trail to the mysterious Silva (Javier Bardem), whose lethal and hidden motives have yet to reveal themselves.



過去的一條隱秘資訊使詹姆斯·邦德(丹尼爾·克雷格)冒犯了一個骯髒的任務,潛入一個名為SPECTRE的邪惡組織。與此同時,回到倫敦,國家安全中心新負責人馬克斯·登比(Max Denbigh)(安德魯·斯科特(Andrew Scott))對邦德的行動提出質疑,並質疑由M(拉爾夫·費因斯(Ralph Fiennes))領導的MI6的相關性。當邦德向SPECTRE的心臟冒險時,他得知自己與所尋求的敵人(克里斯托普·華爾茲(Christoph Waltz))之間的冷酷關連。

Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Dave Bautista, Monica Bellucci and Ralph Fiennes

A cryptic message from the past sends James Bond (Daniel Craig) on a rogue mission to infiltrate a sinister organisation known as SPECTRE. Meanwhile back in London, Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott), the new head of the Centre for National Security, questions Bond’s actions and challenges the relevance of MI6, led by M (Ralph Fiennes). As Bond ventures towards the heart of SPECTRE, he learns of a chilling connection between himself and the enemy (Christoph Waltz) he seeks.

007系列的第25部《無暇赴死》No Time To Die,2021年10月上映,凱瑞·福永次治導演,丹尼爾·克雷格主演,邦女郎為蕾雅·賽杜。

《無暇赴死》No Time To Die(2021)

在《無暇赴死》中,邦德離開現役,並在牙買加過著平靜的生活。當他的來自中央情報局的老朋友費利克斯·萊特(Felix Leiter)出現時,他的和平是短暫的。營救一名被綁架的科學家的任務比預期的要危險得多,這使邦德登上了一個裝備有危險新技術的神秘小人的蹤跡。

Starring Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Léa Seydoux, Lashana Lynch, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Jeffrey Wright, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes, Ana de Armas, Billy Magnussen, Rory Kinnear, David Dencik, Dali Benssalah

In No Time To Die, Bond has left active service and is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica. His peace is short-lived when his old friend Felix Leiter from the CIA turns up asking for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology.

to be continued......

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