30個深情金句1.時光消磨著母親,而你便是母親的時光。Time kills mother, and you are mother's time.2.這一生的浪漫和寵溺,記得給母親留一份。Remember to leave a copy for your mother for the romance and spoil of your life.3.白髮戴花君莫笑,歲月從不敗美人。Don't laugh when you wear white hair and flowers. Time never beats beauty.4.這世界上只有一個您,包容我無數種任性。There is only one you in this world, which contains countless kinds of willfulness.5.長大後我成了媽媽,才真的讀懂我媽媽。Only when I grow up and become a mother can I really understand my mother.6.我用一生在和你說再見,你卻用一生和我說路上小心。I spent my whole life saying goodbye to you, but you spent your whole life telling me to be careful on the road.7.宇宙洪荒,生命浩瀚,但只有你和我真正分享過心跳。The universe is vast and life is vast, but only you and I have really shared the heartbeat.9.神顧不了所有人,所以神創造了母親。God can't take care of everyone, so God created mother.10.感謝你不是超人,卻為我變成了萬能。Thank you for not being superman, but becoming omnipotentomnipotent for me.11.從前我是你的小棉襖,以後我會成為你的防彈衣。Once upon a time I was your little cotton-padded jacket, and later I will become your bulletproof vest. 12.全世界都在催著我飛翔,只有你心疼我的小翅膀。The whole world is urging me to fly, only you love my little wings.13.媽媽不記得母親節,你回家的日子就是過節。Mom doesn't remember Mother's Day. The day you go home is the holiday.14.最對不起的是,我的青春叛逆,遇上了你的不善表達。What I am most sorry for is that my youth rebelled and met your poor expression.15.她最說不出口的疼,就是為你而心疼。她掛在嘴上的嫌棄,始終放不進心裡。The most unspeakable pain she can't say is that she feels distressed for you. The abandon she hung on her mouth never came into her heart.16.母親其實是一種歲月,從綠地流向一片森林的歲月,從小溪流向一池深湖的歲月,從明月流向一座冰山的歲月。Mother is actually a kind of time, from green space to a forest, from small stream to a deep lake, from bright moon to an iceberg.17.希望我努力的步伐,可以趕上您老去的速度。I hope my hard work can catch up with your aging speed.18.謝謝有你,世界才不是寂寞荒野,而是四季流轉的花園。Thank you for having you. The world is not a lonely wilderness, but a garden that flows all the year round.19.小時候,總想著仗劍走天涯,而現在,只想賴在媽媽身邊,細數年華。When I was a child, I always wanted to fight my sword and go to the end of the world. Now, I just want to stay with my mother and count my years.20.你或許對我偶爾有些失望,我也會抱怨你的嘮叨,但我們都知道,我們是對方眼裡永遠的一百分。You may be disappointed with me occasionally, and I will complain about your nagging, but we all know that we are always 100% in each other's eyes.21.今天是母親節,大家把這條訊息發到朋友圈就可以獲得100Q幣。我已經試過了,是假的,但是還是要祝我媽母親節快樂。Today is Mother's Day, everyone can get 100Q coins by sending this message to Moments. I have tried it, it is fake, but I still want to wish my mother a happy Mother's Day.22.你曾厭惡她的柴米油鹽,市儈圓滑,卻忘記她也曾松花釀酒,春水煎茶。You used to hate her daily necessities, philistine and tactful, but forgot that she also used to make wine with pine flowers and fry tea in spring water.23.她永遠都偏向於你,即使她年邁、腐朽、貧瘠。我震顫於這樣的溫柔。She will always favor you, even if she is old, decadent and barren. I tremble at such tenderness.24.今生今世,我最忘情的哭聲有兩次,一次,在我生命的開始;一次,在你生命的告終。第一次,我不會記得,是聽你說的;第二次,你不會曉得,我說也沒有用。但兩次哭聲的中間啊,有無窮無盡的笑聲。一遍一遍又一遍,迴盪了整整三十年。你都曉得,我都記得。(余光中)In this life, my most forgetful cry has been twice, once at the beginning of my life; once at the end of your life. The first time, I won't remember, it was listening to you; the second time, you won't know, it's useless for me to say it. But in the middle of the two cries, there was endless laughter. Over and over again, it echoed for 30 years. You all know, I remember. (Yu Guangzhong)25.你是世界上最棒的媽媽,更是最好的自己,希望你每一天都燦爛美麗,就算80歲也可以與姐妹約杯咖啡。You are the best mother in the world and the best yourself. I hope you are brilliant and beautiful every day. Even at the age of 80, you can have a cup of coffee with your sisters.26.每個媽媽其實都是神,只是在漫長時光裡日積月累披星戴月操碎了心,被我這樣沒出息的小孩耗成了凡人。Every mother is actually a god, but over the long period of time, she has broken her heart and become a mortal by a worthless child like me.27.媽媽,不要擔心老之將至,你老了也一定很可愛,你老了十歲,我也老了十歲,這個世界也老了十歲呀,一起變老也很浪漫。Mom, don't worry about getting old. You must be very cute when you get old. You are ten years old, I am ten years old, and the world is ten years old. It is also romantic to grow old together.28.我認識媽媽的時候,她還只有23歲,我猜想,媽媽第一次見到我的時候,一定是她這輩子最美的時候。只是那時的我一定在不停地哭,所以忘了看媽媽最美的樣子。When I met my mother, she was only 23 years old. I guess the first time my mother saw me, it must be the most beautiful time in her life. Only then I must have been crying incessantly, so I forgot to see my mother's most beautiful appearance.29.母胎九月,我們一輩子還不起的房租。In September, we will never be able to afford the rent.30.你每一句漫不經心的話,全在她心中開出漫山的花。Every casual word you say blooms in her heart.

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  • 楊冪,譚松韻,鍾漢良,王一博,李易峰,好劇來襲,追劇!追劇!