
根據2月23日的燈塔資料,《你好,李煥英》票房已突破42.5億,位列中國影史票房第四!這已遠超出賈玲為減肥許下的30億大關 (crosses the RMB 3B mark locally)。想必接下來大家最期待的就是瘦成一道閃電⚡的賈玲吧~


(一) Hi, Mom, a time-travel comedy from comedian-turned-filmmaker Jia Ling that has benefited from great word of mouth, is projected to become the No. 2 all-time highest-grossing film in China with a Maoyan-estimated final of RMB 5.17B ($799M).

《你好,李煥英》(Hi, Mom)是一部時空穿越喜劇片,由喜劇演員賈玲執導,大佔影迷口碑。貓眼電影預估,該片最終或拿下51.7億票房(7.99億美元),成為中國影史票房第二的影片。


·穿越電影:time-travel film/drama

·穿越劇:time-travel TV series/drama

·穿越小說:time-travel novel

為什麼都可以用drama呢,因為字典有解釋:drama is a play for the theatre, television or radio. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary)

中國影史票房第二的影片:No. 2 all-time highest-grossing film in China

Gross (通常複數形式grosses): a total amount of money earned by sth, especially a film/movie, before any costs are taken away: (尤指影片的)毛收入,總收入

票房:box office

票房收入:box office revenue

票房最高的影片:top/highest/biggest-grossing film/movie

(二) Beijing Culture's heartwarming comedy 'Hi, Mom' has emerged as China's 2021 Lunar New Year champion, riding rave word of mouth to a running total of $619 million and counting.


·Word of mouth:前面也出現過,本意是“嘴裡說出的話”,放在語境下意為“口口相傳,有口皆碑”

Word-of-mouth marketing:口碑營銷

Strong word of mouth is giving “Hi, Mom” a staying power that “Detective Chinatown 3” appears to lack.

·and counting:總數仍在繼續增加

e.g. The movie’s ticket sales add up to $39million, and counting.


Hi, Mom captured the hearts of Chinese moviegoers and became a viral phenomenon, consistently generating the highest social scores on ticketing apps and movie reviews sites.


(三) Deadline網站也預計,《你好,李煥英》可能會在《戰狼2》(56.94億)和《哪吒之魔童降世》(50.36億)間橫插一腳,超過《哪吒》但仍位於《戰狼2》之後,成為中國影史票房第二。(Hi, Mom would slot in above 2019’s Nezha and behind 2017’s Wolf Warrior 2.)

Slot in:slot作名詞有意為:a position, a time or or an opportunity for sb/sth, for example in a list, a program of events or a series of broadcasts (名單、日程安排或廣播節目表中的)位置、時間、機會


(四) Written, directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling, Hi, Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release.



e.g. She starred opposite/with Gary Grant in “Bringing up Baby”.


還可用star sb表示“由....擔任主角”

e.g. A movie starring Meryl Streep 由梅麗爾·斯特里普主演的電影。


China's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts. Hi, Mom appears to have hit all the right notes.



(一) comedian-turned-filmmaker Jia Ling that has benefited from great word of mouth


句型:be projected to become/be:

Project 估計 (usually passive): to estimate what the size, cost or amount of sth will be in the future。常用於被動語態:it is projected that.../ sb/sth be projected to be...

(二) For comedian Jia Ling, who is mostly known for her sketches during the Spring Festival Gala, this movie is her directorial debut.喜劇演員賈玲因表演多部春晚小品廣為人知,這部電影是她當導演後的處女秀。

sketch: 幽默短劇,小品(a short funny scene on television, in the theatre,etc.

(三) If Hi, Mom ends up above the $821 million global cume of Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman, it’ll be the biggest grossing movie ever by a solo female director.


Cume: cumulative audience的縮寫,累積受眾。最初是用於衡量美國商業廣播和報紙在特定時段內獲得的消費者總數。這裡表示買電影票的人,即為電影貢獻票房的人。



突破...大關:cross/sail past the... mark


首映前三天...:from its opening three days

上映十天...:ten days into release

貓眼評分:Maoyan rating

Movie trailer:電影預告片/片花

Percentage of fully booked screenings:電影滿場率

(電影業的)回暖:warm up again/ China’s theatrical revival



from Beijing Culture

Directed by comedian-turned-filmmaker Jia Ling, "Hi, Mom" tells a mother-daughter story based on the director's own life. Jia's mother Li Huanying passed away in an accident shortly after Li started college, and the movie pays tribute to her late mother.

Fresh college student Jia Xiaoling (played by Jia Ling) travels back to the 1980s and meets the younger version of her late mother. The impossible encounter calls for a do-over and Jia, regretting not bonding enough with her parent when she was alive, tries to rewrite her story with the woman who gave birth to her.

Starring comedians Jia Ling, Zhang Xiaofei and Shen Teng, the movie struck a chord with moviegoers for the emotional roller-coaster it took them on.



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