

節目展現了唐朝夜宴樂師們為演奏做準備的全過程, 在整體設計上也打破了中國古典舞固有的詩意氛圍,為觀眾們帶來了別有生趣的體驗。

圖源:@鄭州歌舞劇院A dance show which recreates Tang Dynasty (618-907) scene has gone viral online, winning much acclaim from netizens.Titled Tang Gong Ye Yan (Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace), the show presents the process from making preparations to performing by a group of female musicians at a banquet in Tang Dynasty. It breaks the stereotype of lyric atmosphere of Chinese classic dance and offers an amusing and real-life sense.The program is considered a highlight of the 2021 Spring Festival gala of Henan Satellite Television, whose gala was widely praised by audiences this year.

圖源:河南春晚《唐宮夜宴》截圖 Fourteen dancers wearing jumpsuits filled with sponge and with special cotton in their mouths recreate the plump figures of Tang Dynasty females. Besides, crescent-shaped makeup and costumes resembling Tang tri-colored pottery make audiences feel like travelling to the Tang Dynasty 1,300 years ago.現場運用了先進的3D和AR技術,讓虛擬影象與現實舞臺交相呼應,演員們動作俏皮,穿梭於婦好鴞尊、蓮鶴方壺 、賈湖骨笛 、簪花仕女圖等國寶級文物影像之間,整場演出給觀眾們留下了身臨其境的深刻印象。

圖源:河南春晚《唐宮夜宴》截圖Modern digital technology such as 3D and AR are used to produce a combination of virtual scene with real stage, along with nifty dance moves of actresses and demonstration of national treasures, have all made the show impressive.The show presents several precious treasures of Henan province through its performance, such as Fu Hao Xiao Zun (Bronze wine vessel in the shape of owl), Lian He Fang Hu (Rectangular wine vessel with lotus and crane), the Jiahu Bone Flutes as well as paintings of Ladies with Head-pinned Flowers.舞蹈演員時而嚴肅莊重,時而嬉笑打鬧,宛如從博物館中“復活”的“唐宮美人”。鄭州歌舞劇院編導陳琳說:“當看到博物館裡的樂舞俑造型後,我們就思考如何用藝術的手法把唐代樂舞俑的生活場景、動感情愫融入作品。‘唐宮夜宴’這個舞蹈就是講述了正值青春的女樂官在赴宴起舞的路上發生的趣事。”據悉,不止春晚,唐宮小姐姐們還將帶著神秘新舞蹈來到河南博物院元宵奇妙夜。據大河網報道,《唐宮夜宴》近日將再次進入觀眾視野,但需要注意的是,不管是牛年春晚上的《唐宮夜宴》,還是即將推出的《唐宮夜宴》現場版,都不是單純的模仿和復原古代樂舞傭,而是透過現代的藝術形式賦予歷史人物獨特性格。According to Henan-based news website dahe.cn, a special program was designed by Henan TV for its upcoming Lantern Festival gala, which would bring 14 actresses of the "Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace" from virtual stage to the pottery figurines in Henan Museum to produce a brand-new show.




例:He thought that because that author was long dead that he could get away with plagiarizing from her writings.


英文中還有一個詞copycat指的是那些抄襲、模仿、惡搞等山寨手段。在英文中通常用knockoff來形容山寨版的假名牌,山寨明星臉是lookalike,例如:a Marilyn Monroe lookalike

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