


Video achievements


"Forrest Gump" is a movie directed by Robert Zemigis, starring Tom Hanks, Robin White and others. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name published by American writer Winston Glum in 1986. It depicts a small town boy with congenital mental retardation, Forester Gan, who is constantly striving to improve himself. In the end, "stupid people have stupid blessings" and won the favor of heaven. Inspirational stories of miracles in many fields. After the film was released, it won six awards including the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director in 1995.


Video introduction


"Forrest Gump" tells the story of Forrest Gump played by Tom Hanks, a child with a low IQ and disabled legs who has accomplished one thing after another by running that he could not do in others' eyes. The protagonist, Forrest Gump, had a disability in both legs since he was a child. Not only that, he was also judged by a doctor to be a low IQ child with an intelligence of only 75. The intelligence of normal children must be at least 80. However, with her mother's encouragement, A-Gump still went to a regular school. On the school bus on the first day of school, his disability was isolated by most of his classmates. However, the little girl Jenny sincerely invited him to sit side by side with herself. When he was beaten by the boys, Jenny encouraged him to run. At this time, the legs confined by the stent broke free because of the critical situation. It was only then that people discovered that Forrest Gump had a pair of "scud". Since then, he has embarked on the road of running. Because of his amazing speed, he became a rugby superstar, a Vietnam War hero, a table tennis messenger and even a billionaire.


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The whole film conveys to us that no matter how the outside world changes or how unsatisfactory a person's innate conditions are, when you choose to unswervingly believe in yourself, be grateful to others for things, and persevere can achieve a career.


Life is a run that has an end. Sometimes you keep running, keep running, without rest, but you change other people's lives. But we don't know why we ran, where we ran, where was the end, and where was the end. One day, you suddenly stopped, leaving only the stunned expression of the people behind you. Just like the classic line in "Forrest Gump": "Life is a box of chocolate candies. You never know what the next one will taste." I hope that each of us will have the courage of Forrest Gump to keep going, waiting Life is full of fragrance!





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