
聯合國群星綜藝盛典(United Nations Stars Variety Festival簡稱UNSVF),是由聯合國多個部門和國內外上百家權威機構共同發起的,其中包括奧斯卡、好萊塢、戛納、印度寶萊塢、歐美、日韓、港澳臺等眾多知名機構與頒獎組委會以及全球200多個國際的明星們也都加入了聯合國群星綜藝盛典。畢業於美國麻省理工大學,英國劍橋大學,美國賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院,香港大學等世界名校的詩兒(張曉丹)Christina 擔任聯合國群星綜藝盛典組委會的全球主席。

中國國家大力推動和發展我們國家的文化影視娛樂事業。按照中國國家政府的發展方向,順應中國國家政策的潮流,聯合國群星綜藝盛典(United Nations Stars Variety Festival)已經成為中國和全球最重要的賽事品牌和頒獎品牌。聯合國群星綜藝盛典意在培養以青少年為主的才藝展示平臺,挖掘和培養一批全球的影視歌舞音樂藝術娛樂等方面的巨星。另外,除了青少年組的挖掘和培養外,聯合國群星綜藝盛典還包括成年組,中年組,老年組等後起之秀巨星的挖掘和培養。世界是你的,舞臺是你的,聯合國巨星的平臺是你的,歡迎加入。

聯合國群星綜藝盛典年度巨星綜藝人才海選、頒獎典禮、海選比賽分為聲樂組、舞蹈組、樂器組、樂隊組合、唱跳組、電影組、最佳電影獎,電視組、最佳電視獎,編劇組、導演組、女主角組,男主角組,影后組、最佳影片組、最佳新人組、最佳男女藝人組、最佳歌手組、最暢銷藝人組、剪輯師組 、模特組、選美組、網紅組、小品組、喜劇組、演技組、語言組、戲劇組、晚會組、生活組、訪談組、音樂組、選秀組、遊戲組、旅遊組、真人秀組、美食組、搞笑組、紀實組、曲藝組、脫口秀組、科技組、健美組、 武術組 、主持人組、 經紀人組、短影片組、微電影組、 偶像練習生組 、演講組 、設計師組 、美妝組、 形體組、 線上電影組等等多種形式。很多聞名於全球的巨星藝人,都會在聯合國群星綜藝盛典中誕生。

世界各國都有各類大獎,音樂大獎其中MTV歐洲音樂獎MTV Europe Music Awards,縮寫為EMA),格萊美音樂大獎(GRAMMY AWARDS ), 世界音樂大獎 The World Music Awards ,全英音樂獎(Brit Awards,縮寫BRITs)英國著名的“水星音樂獎” 全美音樂獎,英文名稱American Music Awards 簡稱(AMA) 加拿大的朱諾獎 (Juno Awards) 鑽石獎, HITO流行音樂獎, MTV亞洲音樂大獎俄羅斯 有“MTV音樂獎,義大利Wind音樂獎,奧斯卡金像獎(Academy Award)。“聯合國群星綜藝盛典” (UN STARS Variety Festival)屬於綜合類的大獎,包括以上所有的方面的獎項的範圍。



國內外分賽區報名通道:[email protected]

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The United Nations Stars Variety Festival

The United Nations Stars Variety Festival (UNSVF) is jointly sponsored by various departments of the United Nations and hundreds of authoritative organizations at home and abroad, including Oscars, Hollywood, Cannes, Bollywood, Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Macau Taiwan and many other well-known institutions and awards organizing committees, as well as more than 200 international stars around the world have also joined the United Nations Stars Variety Festival. Christinazhang, who graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, and the University of Hong Kong, serves as the global chairman of the United Nations Star Variety Festival Organizing Committee.

The Chinese country vigorously promotes and develops our country's cultural, film, and entertainment undertakings. In accordance with the development direction of the Chinese government and the trend of China's national policies, the United Nations Stars Variety Festival has become the most important event brand and award-giving brand in China and the world. The United Nations Stars Variety Festival is intended to cultivate a talent show platform focusing on young people, and to discover and cultivate a group of global stars in film, music, art and entertainment. In addition, in addition to the excavation and cultivation of the youth group, the United Nations Stars Variety Festival also includes the excavation and cultivation of rising star superstars such as the adult group, middle-aged group, and senior group. The world is yours, the stage is yours, and the platform of the UN superstar is yours. Welcome to join.

The annual superstar variety talent audition, awards ceremony, and audition competitions of the United Nations Variety Arts Festival are divided into vocal group, dance group, instrument group, band group, singing group, film group, best film award, TV group, best TV award , Screenwriter, Director, Actress, Actor, Actress, Best Film, Best Newcomer, Best Male and Female Artist, Best Singer, Best-selling Artist, Editor, Model Group, Beauty Pageant Group, Internet Celebrity Group, Sketch Group, Comedy Group, Acting Group, Language Group, Drama Group, Evening Group, Life Group, Interview Group, Music Group, Audition Group, Game Group, Tourism Group, Reality Group, Food Group, comedy group, documentary group, folk art group, talk show group, technology group, bodybuilding group, martial arts group, host group, agent group, short video group, micro film group, idol trainee group, speech group, designer Group, beauty group, body group, online movie group and many other forms. Many of the world-famous superstar artists will be born in the United Nations Stars Variety Festival.

There are various awards in various countries around the world. Music awards include MTV Europe Music Awards (EMA), Grammy Awards (GRAMMY AWARDS), The World Music Awards, and Brit Awards, abbreviation BRITs) the famous British "Mercury Music Awards" National Music Awards, the English name American Music Awards abbreviated (AMA) Canada's Juno Awards (Juno Awards) Diamond Award, HITO Pop Music Award, MTV Asian Music Awards Russia has " MTV Music Awards, Italian Wind Music Awards, Academy Awards. "UNSTARS Variety Festival" (UNSTARS Variety Festival) is a comprehensive category of awards, including all of the above awards.

Taking the award ceremony as an example, the people who make up this series of awards ceremony, including audiences, singers, presenters, record companies, film and television companies, and the United Nations Star Variety Festival, are composed of people with the highest level, the highest quality and the highest ability in the world. The most outstanding awards ceremony.

The UNSTARS Variety Festival (UNSTARS Variety Festival) holds several award ceremonies in countries around the world every year. Welcome to win-win cooperation.

Registration for the United Nations Stars Variety Festival and Annual Awards Ceremony has begun

Registration channels for domestic and foreign sub-contest areas:[email protected]

Institution registration channel: [email protected]

Individual registration channel: [email protected]

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