This Is Jennifer Lopez's Exact Meal and Exercise Plan as She Poses in Bikini for her 52nd Birthday這位著名大美女大膽性感的海邊照片可能是您養成健康習慣的最佳選擇。

5 2 … what it do, Jennifer Lopez captioned Saturday, as she shared a recent photo shoot in celebration of her 52nd birthday. JLo's bikini body proves that she's changing the face (and abs, and gams) of the cultivated woman, symbolizing that we really can get better as we age—and it's not so hard. We took a close look at her nutrition and fitness routine to discover that results like JLo's may not be as out-of-reach as you might think.5 2 歲......它的作用,詹妮弗洛佩茲在週六發表了標題,因為她分享了一張最近拍攝的照片來慶祝她的 52 歲生日。 JLo 的比基尼身材證明她正在改變有教養女性的臉型(以及腹肌和肌肉),象徵著隨著年齡的增長,我們真的可以變得更好——而且這並不難。 我們仔細研究了她的營養和健身計劃,發現像 JLo 這樣的結果可能並不像您想象的那麼遙不可及。

Check out Jennifer Lopez's exact meal and exercise plan, and sign up for wellness tips to spark your inspiration each day. .檢視詹妮弗·洛佩茲 (Jennifer Lopez) 的確切膳食和鍛鍊計劃,獲取健康提示,每天激發新的靈感。

JLo sticks to her gym routine, wherever she is.無論身在何處,JLo 都堅持她的健身計劃。

We might argue that Jennifer Lopez is photographed heading into or out of the gym more than any other celeb. Just for example, paparazzi have snapped her a number of times (like this one) during her stay in Miami—one destination that's been a retreat in recent weeks, since she and Alex Rodriguez went separate ways.我們可能會爭辯說,詹妮弗·洛佩茲 (Jennifer Lopez) 被拍到進出健身房的次數比其他任何名人都多。 舉個例子,在她逗留邁阿密期間,狗仔隊曾多次拍到她(就像這一次)——因為她和亞歷克斯羅德里格斯分道揚鑣,最近幾周這個目的地一直是個隱居地。

JLo drinks lots of water.JLo 喝大量的水。

Earlier this week, Jennifer Lopez shared an early-morning post, stating that "H2O [is] always a must." Some rumors suggest she drinks no fewer than seven glasses of water per day.本週早些時候,詹妮弗洛佩茲分享了一個清晨的帖子,稱“H2O [is] 總是必須的。” 有傳言稱她每天喝不少於七杯水。

Another daily JLo beverage?另一種每日JLo飲料?

Coffee! In the same post about the necessity of water, Jennifer Lopez revealed that coffee is also part of "my real AM routine . . . so you know exactly how I get THAT glow."咖啡! 在關於水的必要性的同一篇文章中,詹妮弗·洛佩茲透露,咖啡也是“我真正的 AM 例行公事的一部分......所以你確切地知道我是如何獲得那種光芒的。”

It also looks like JLo drinks Poppi.看起來JLo也喝Poppi。

JLo recently became a spokesperson for Poppi, a prebiotic soft drink that's said to support gut health with apple cider vinegar as a key ingredient.JLo 最近成為 Poppi 的代言人,Poppi 是一種益生元軟飲料,據說以蘋果醋為主要成分可支援腸道健康。

Jennifer Lopez enjoys the occasional indulgence.詹妮弗·洛佩茲喜歡偶爾放縱一下。

Here, JLo appears to sip on a grapefruit mimosa at brunch in NYC with her sister, Lynda Lopez. Sometimes it's encouraging to see that the fittest celebs don't cut out vices completely. (If you prefer some bubbly too, don't miss This Is the Worst Way To Drink Prosecco, According To Experts.)在這裡,JLo 似乎和她的妹妹 Lynda Lopez 在紐約的早午餐上啜飲葡萄柚含羞草。 有時看到最健康的名人並沒有完全戒除惡習是令人鼓舞的。 (如果您也喜歡一些起泡酒,請不要錯過根據專家的說法,這是喝普羅塞克最糟糕的方式。)

JLo's diet is focused on whole foods.JLo 的飲食側重於全穀物。

Earlier this year, Good Housekeepingreported that JLo sticks to a super clean diet, avoiding processed and refined foods. Typical dishes are said to be lean proteins—like egg whites for breakfast, lean cuts of poultry, fish (including a regular serving of salmon—like our 21+ Best Healthy Salmon Recipes for Weight Loss!), and "a 'handful' of nuts each day, for healthy fats," her trainer, Dodd Romero, told GH.今年早些時候,Good Housekeeping 報道稱 JLo 堅持超級清潔的飲食,避免加工和精製食品。 典型的菜餚據說是瘦肉蛋白——比如早餐的蛋清、瘦肉塊、魚(包括定期食用的三文魚——比如我們的 21+ 最佳減肥三文魚食譜!),以及“少數” 每天吃堅果,以獲得健康的脂肪,”她的教練多德·羅梅羅 (Dodd Romero) 告訴 GH。

JLo eats lots of greens.JLo 吃很多蔬菜。

As you probably guessed, JLo's trainer revealed to GH that JLo puts a healthy amount of green vegetables, like broccoli, spinach and kale on her plate, but avoids veg with a higher sugar content, such as corn and carrots.正如您可能猜到的那樣,JLo 的培訓師向 GH 透露,JLo 在她的盤子裡放了健康數量的綠色蔬菜,如西蘭花、菠菜和羽衣甘藍,但避免食用含糖量較高的蔬菜,如玉米和胡蘿蔔。

Yes, JLo eats carbs.是的,JLo 吃碳水化合物。

Although we doubt Jennifer Lopez often curls up with a big bowl of pasta on the reg, word has it her diet does include healthy starches like "sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, and oatmeal, Romero shared." 儘管我們懷疑詹妮弗·洛佩茲 (Jennifer Lopez) 是否經常蜷縮在桌子上拿著一大碗義大利麵,但據傳她的飲食確實包括健康的澱粉,如“紅薯、糙米、藜麥和燕麥片,羅梅羅說。

With that routine, maybe it's no wonder Jennifer Lopez looks like this…有了這個日常安排,也許難怪詹妮弗洛佩茲看起來像這樣......

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