
由傳奇導演克里斯托弗·諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)執導的最新原創科幻動作奇觀大片《信條》(Tenet) 正在全國熱映中,票房勇破2.5億元人民幣並一路走高。《信條》上映,諾蘭帶著新作品又來碾壓大家的智商了!不少人表示就算看了解析,再二刷都不一定能看懂,看過的朋友都來冒個泡,這部電影到底有多燒腦呢?


雖然沒看懂,但卻被電影中的冷豔女主伊麗莎白·德比齊(Elizabeth Debicki)驚豔到了!當中身高190、外表高冷的女主角,身材高挑,深邃的眼眸配上精緻的五官,和那張稜角分明的臉孔﹐讓人一見傾心。大家先來感受一下她傲人的身高。


可能大家對Elizabeth Debicki還不是那麼了解,但這部電影算是徹底帶火了她。Elizabeth Debicki曾出演過《了不起的蓋茨比》,飾演女二Jordan Baker,當時就靠高挑的身材備受關注。


Elizabeth Debicki was born on August 24, 1990 in Paris, France, to a Polish father and an Australian mother of Irish descent, who were both dancers. When she was five, the family moved to Melbourne, where she grew up with two younger siblings. She became interested in ballet at an early age and trained as a dancer until deciding to switch to theatre. In 2010, she completed a degree in drama at the University of Melbourne's Victorian College of the Arts.

第72屆戛納國際電影節上,在開幕式時出現了一個身段和氣質絕佳的背影。她就是身高接近190的女演員Elizabeth Debicki。

Elizabeth Debick在《銀河護衛隊2》裡,飾演至高星人的女祭司阿耶莎。沒錯,就是那個全身金色的自戀狂。還真沒認出來她!

而在第五季《王冠》中,Elizabeth Debicki 還將出演戴安娜王妃,更是讓人期待萬分!

The Crown has found its Princess Diana.

Elizabeth Debicki has been cast as the late, famous royal in the fifth and sixth seasons of The Crown.

"Princess Diana's spirit, her words and her actions live in the hearts of so many. It is my true privilege and honour to be joining this masterful series, which has had me absolutely hooked from episode one," Debicki said in the Twitter announcement posted on Sunday afternoon.





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