









《活著》講述一個人一生的故事,這是一個歷盡世間滄桑和磨難老人的人生感言,是一幕演繹人生苦難經歷的戲劇。小說的敘述者“我”在年輕時獲得了一個遊手好閒的職業——去鄉間收集民間歌謠。在夏天剛剛來到的季節,遇到那位名叫福貴的老人,聽他講述了自己坎坷的人生經歷: 地主少爺福貴嗜賭成性,終於賭光了家業,一貧如洗,窮困之中福貴因母親生病前去求醫,沒想到半路上被國民黨部隊抓了壯丁,後被解放軍所俘虜,回到家鄉他才知道母親已經過世,妻子家珍含辛茹苦帶大了一雙兒女,但女兒不幸變成了啞巴。





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People live to live themselves, not to live for anything other than living.

Don't be confused, the dead still want to survive, you can't die as a living person.

Once upon a time, the ancestors of our Xu family only raised a chicken. After the chicken was raised, it became a goose, and when the goose was raised, it became a sheep. Then, when the sheep was raised, the sheep became a cow. This is how our Xu family started.

It's better to be a normal person. Fighting over this and that, fighting over and over to lose your life. Like me, it seems that the more mixed it is, the less promising it is, but the life span is long. People I know die next to each other, and I am still alive.

Humans, no matter how much suffering you suffer when you are alive, you will find a way to comfort yourself when you are about to die.

Fugui is completely different. He likes to think about the past and talk about himself. It seems that in this way, he can live this life again and again.

I know he won't fight me desperately, but what he said is like a blunt knife cutting my neck, my head can't fall off, but it hurts to death.


"Living" tells the story of aperson's life. This is a life testimony of an old man who has gone through thevicissitudes and tribulations of the world. It is a drama that interprets thesufferings of life. The narrator of the novel, "I", acquired aleisurely career when he was young-went to the countryside to collect folksongs. In the season just before the summer, I met the old man named Fugui andheard him describe his rough life experience: The landlord young master Fuguiwas addicted to gambling, and finally gambling out of his family business. Hewas impoverished and impoverished. Fugui went to seek medical treatment becauseof his mother’s illness. He did not expect to be arrested by the Kuomintangtroops on the way and captured by the People’s Liberation Army. When hereturned to his hometown, he knew that his mother had passed away. Become dumb.

The real tragedy began to take placegradually. Jiazhen was unable to do heavy work because of rickets; his son diedbecause he had the same blood type as the county magistrate’s wife, and he drewtoo much blood to save the magistrate’s wife; daughter Fengxia and the captainintroduced the city’s first two to get married. After giving birth to a babyboy, he died on the operating table due to hemorrhage; and three months afterFengxia’s death, Jiazhen also died one after another; Erxi, a porter, wasclamped to death by two rows of cement boards due to an error in a crane;grandson Kugen went back to the countryside with Fugui. Life was verydifficult. Even beans were hard to eat. Fugui was so distressed that he cookedbeans for Kugen. Unexpectedly, Kugen died from eating beans... The rare warmthin life will be lost. The death was torn to pieces again and again, leavingonly the old Fugui accompanied by an old cow in the sun to remember. The novel"To Live" is a watershed in Yu Hua's creation. "Alive"shows the death process of one person after another, setting off an endlesswave of suffering, showing a possible attitude towards the process of death. Tolive is very difficult. To continue life is to live hard. It is because of theextraordinary hardship that living has a profound meaning. There is nothingbetter than living, and nothing more difficult than living.


Creation background: The author Yu Huaheard an American folk song "Old Black Slave". In the song, the oldblack slave has experienced a lifetime of suffering, and his family has gonebefore him, and he still treats the world in a friendly manner without a wordof complaint. . The song deeply moved the author, and the author decided towrite a novel like this, so there was "To Live" in 1992. Write aboutpeople's ability to withstand suffering and an optimistic attitude towards theworld. People live to live themselves, not to live for anything other thanliving.






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