
庚子年 戊子月 丁酉日

20 DEC.SUNDAY城牆壘得高是因為你值得,翻不過來的都是客。


The wall is ten thousand feet high, blocking the people who can't come.


If someone really wants to cross the wall, he will look for the door, the window, and all the ways to cross it.


But that person did not do anything and then sighed and walked away. In fact, when he turned around, he might still feel a little relieved.


The most expensive thing in the world is not money, but time. The most beautiful thing is not scenery, but emotion.


The most difficult thing is not to be together, but to know each other and care about each other. Understanding does not lie in the length of time, but in the understanding of each other.


The capacity of each heart is very small, and there are not many people willing to put you in your heart.


People who really care about you do not need you to look for them. They will take the initiative to look for you and care about you. What you have done your best to seek is sympathy and compassion. This is not true feelings, and each other will be very tired.


A good relationship is not a day and night care, but a long and continuous company. He's there when you need him.


A good relationship is to make you feel at ease, not to make you flustered.


Wish you care about the people, sincerely treat you, willing to care about your people, you know how to cherish.

  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 世界不是世界本來的樣子,而是你自己心目中的那個樣子