
庚子年 戊子月 壬寅日

25 DEC.FRIDAY世上本無聖誕老人,所有的禮物和驚喜都來自於愛你的人。


Listening to the joyful music and looking at the red and green color matching on the street, you will know that the annual Christmas is coming.


As for Christmas, when we were young, we all thought that there would be Santa Claus who would put the gifts we wanted into the hanging socks. But when we grow up, we gradually realize that there is no Santa Claus in the world. All the gifts and surprises come from those who love you.

We all know that Santa Claus doesn't exist, and all the care in our life comes from everyone around us. They are our friends, or relatives, or lovers, or warm strangers.


Because of these people, our winter is no longer cold, our life has never been lonely, our life is colorful.


Thank those who are willing to bring us joy and love. When we were young, they wove us a fairy tale world full of love. When we grow up, we can still enjoy the warmth from all sides. We can also take this opportunity to warm others.


Cherish those who really bring us joy and love, they are an indispensable part of our life, they are the people we should miss.

  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 我給自己的戒菸,找了一段“優美”的託詞