

Instead of pretending to have a lot of friends, I went back to loneliness and started a new life with my true self.

我的孤獨時刻 :



My lonely moments:

Go to station B to watch the live broadcast and chat with the small up hosts who have just started the live broadcast. They work very hard. Whatever you send, they will interact with you.

And then I talked to people all day.



Yesterday in the street, I saw a couple, the boy is very handsome, the girl is wearing a skirt that I have been looking forward to for a long time, but I am not willing to buy.

I stood there, looking at them, suddenly a little uncomfortable, how skirt and love I do not have.

我又開始焦慮了,被孤單一點一點侵蝕著 ,像幾萬只螞蟻在血液裡爬 ,腦子裡被塞滿了注了水的棉花,毛毛蟲往心裡鑽洞。

我可能太容易被人影響情緒了,還是不該被接近的 。

I began to worry again. I was eroded by loneliness, like tens of thousands of ants crawling in my blood. My brain was filled with water filled cotton and caterpillars drilling holes in my heart.

I may be too easily affected by people, or should not be approached.


I sing to the world, but I give myself a lonely role.



I found that most people have known me for three days, either they like me very much or they think I'm bored.

I can only say that people who like me have a lot of vision, because I really deserve to be loved, and those who hate me also have a lot of vision, because I also hate myself.


I have to pretend like the moon, because the sun will not like me, I prefer loneliness, but pretend to live in the crowd.


I sat on the chair by the window, holding a cup of coffee with just the right temperature in my hand, waiting for the sunset to go down, watching the continuous gradual change of the night until it was deep.


Throughout the year, I find that I still want flowers, wine, intimate love, happiness without thinking about tomorrow, endless tenderness and endless romantic mood, breathing together, different body temperature when I lean over, and unprepared embrace.


  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 2021年,月薪5000拯救不了你自己:趁年輕,請不要輕鬆