
時間證明不了什麼 三年 五年 十年 八年 人和人在任何時候分道揚鑣都很正常 該來的永遠都跑不掉

Time proves nothing. Three years, five years, ten years, eight years, it's normal for people to part ways at any time, and what's coming is never going to go away

綠燈就是人海匆匆 紅燈我們才能在路口相遇 然後並肩等待綠燈亮起 一起前行 感謝紅燈 感謝遇見

Green Light is a sea of people in a hurry, red light we can meet at the intersection, and then wait for the green light, together, thanks for the Red Light, thanks for meeting


​May you and I remain in the Ordinary World, the creator of the misunderstood and the unruly


​Nature teaches them to be alone, to go their separate ways, to grow old and die alone

城市慷慨亮整夜光 如同少年不懼歲月長

The city glows brightly all night, as a young man does not fear the years


I don't want to leave you because of your bad side. In fact, I want to hold you even more when I feel uncomfortable watching you hide. The world only confirms all good things, but not with me. I love you for who you are


Then from the heart in the beginning like me, as true as possible. Because I like you

我這年紀 風花雪月都好看 愛恨情仇都浪漫 所以我現在也不奢求任何 只願萬事 平安順遂

At My age, love and romance are good-looking, love and hate are romantic, so I now do not expect any, just wish everything, peace and contentment

鯨落於海,星辰於窪。 鳳隱於林,我歸於你

Whales in the sea, stars in the depression. Feng hidden in the forest, I belong to you


The most afraid of life, like peaches, sweet on the outside, hard inside. A man should be like a coconut, firm on the outside and able to bear blows, clear on the inside and transparent on the inside


When the trend of love fresh, when others love label, fortunately with you I am heart-warming nature


​Not all relationships have a beginning and an end, and the end of loneliness doesn't have to be fear

  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 年齡越來越大,你的朋友是不是越來越少了?