
永遠年輕 永遠乾飯拿命拼

Always Young, always working my ass off


Don't take too much to heart what others say about you, and don't believe too much what they say about you


Phuket summer never stops, I love the youth is always in love


The Universe is so modest. It has everything, but it's called space


We talk about it. We talk about it every year

你可以不喜歡我說的話 我的樣子 我的性格 我的一切 沒關係 這些本來就不是為你準備的

You don't have to like what I say, the way I look, the way I am, everything about me, it's okay. It's not meant for you

我相信真心 但真心瞬息萬變

I believe in sincerity, but sincerity changes all the time

很喜歡導航的一句話 :請在合適的位置選擇掉頭,重新規劃路線

One of my favorite quotes about navigation is: Please make a u-turn in the right place and re-plan your route

以此啟程 永遠有遠方可以奔赴

There's always a place to go


We've always been a two-way street, and the destination is a better version of ourselves


Subconsciously thinking and sharing really makes you feel safe

一半扎進黑暗 一半迎接光明 根扎得越深 就能看到 越多的黑暗與腐爛 就能越長越高 越能努力地爭取陽光

Half plunged into the darkness, half into the light, and the deeper the roots, the more darkness and decay, the longer and higher, the harder they fought for the light


I wish each and every one of us the best of luck in settling down to the past, welcoming Shinkō, finding the love and dreams of Circle of Life, and enjoying the happiness and youth of the Life Unexpected


The stars are scattered along the way, and there's always a light at the end of the long road

  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 愛會讓生命更有溫度,媽媽寫給女兒的一封信