
庚子年 己丑月 辛未日

23 JAN.SATURDAY與其在意別人的背棄和不善,不如經營自己的尊嚴和美好。


The worst thing in life is not to lose the one you love, but to lose yourself because you love someone too much.


What people need to change is not the environment, but their own heart. Life is not perfect and life is very limited. Life is a series of causes of origin and extinction. We should experience more profound life and develop inner spirituality instead of pursuing all external material life tirelessly.


The journey of life has a long and dark future.


Life is a colorful picture, which outlines the withered prosperity of life, bitterness and happiness, ink dye the twists and turns of the road, growth makes life heavy, know how to make life tolerant, appreciate the company of wind and rain all the way, it makes life stable, thanks to the beautiful accompanying, it makes life rich!


On the rough road of life, if you want to do something, as long as you have the ability to do it, don't wait, don't be afraid of failure; if you want to pay love, as long as you feel it can, be bold, don't leave regret.


Life depends on their own management; work depends on their own efforts; partner is to care; family is to cherish each other.

  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
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