

Taking the initiative is the limit of what I love to express


You underestimated my feelings for you. Actually, I can entangle you with a cheeky, but it doesn’t make any sense. I hope that what you get in the future is worth pushing me away.

你是我情緒低落的時候也不想敷衍的人You are the one who doesn't want to be perfunctory when I am down


I will send you a message in the morning and share the video with you at noon. You only return to me after a long time, sometimes you don’t even return. In fact, I understand that I do the same to people I don’t like


I wondered if you ever liked me, but you really showed that you liked me a lot, and you did a lot of things that you never liked me.

幾乎不主動找人聊天,不主動約人,能讓我主動的人,真的是打心眼裡喜歡的人I hardly take the initiative to find people to chat with, and I don’t take the initiative to make appointments. The people who can let me take the initiative are really the ones I like in my heart.


Pretending not to care is the strongest possessiveness

取消置頂以後,才發現你排到了最後After canceling the top, I found that you were at the end

  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 成長,只是一瞬間的事