





"Ruler" does not refer to identity and privilege, but to responsibility and human heart.The heart is the Lord of one’s mind. If there is no thingsor actions in the heart, there is no reluctance and persistence, always adapt to karma, do something and sometimes do nothing-neither do what you cannot do, nor force yourself to do things that go against the law.This is to keep the state of inaction, and you can do whatever you want to do naturally.There are all kinds of rules in life, such as politics, business, family and so on. Even walking and driving have rules of walking and driving. Therefore, Laozi's lecture on "Tao" is not about the illusory realm, but about the "rules" in a very practical way-- because we all know that we have to make rules for everything we do, and there is no hope for a society that only talks about realms but no rules. On the basis of the rules, even walking has its realm. For example, when the road is narrow,lean to your side so as to let others passthrough;whenenteringthedoor,openthedoor soastomakepeoplebehindenter;if someone falls, we help him up. This is a humane rule, because the Chinese character"human" is formed by one stroke to the left and another to the right.That means people need support each other.The rule of humanity is the natural extension of the rule ofTao and its realm.Taohas its boundary,which is called the red line or the bottom line. Therefore, do not try to exceedTao, because there is often a precipice out of Tao. Hence, be careful of the boundary,sothat we do things without danger or failure.Heaven cares for every living thing. He likes people's kindness, filial piety and harmony most.Suchpeoplewillbeblessedevenwhentheyareinadesperatesituation.Therefore, itisnot surprisingthatsomepeoplecancomebackfromdeath, developandrevitalize. No desire is coincident with Tao, this is called "morality", this is called extraordinary ability!NowwhenitcomestotheChineseword"TaoDe",thelatter"De"hasalreadyremovedthe former "Tao". So it means there is no strict standard to measure the so-called "De", and everyonemeasureit withtheirown standardsandregardthemselvesasthe mostvirtuous people.Therefore,manypeoplenaturallyjudgeothersfromtheirown pointofview,evenifhe has not done anything, he still thinks that "I am qualified to criticize others". Because he is using the standard of a saint to ask others, but using the standard of alaity to ask himself, so it is always others who are wrong.And no matter what mistakes he made, he always spokeplausibly andfelt that hewasalways right.Thisisthe mostcommonstatein society,and its root lies in the loss of the "Tao" before "De".

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