

朋友是什麼?朋友是一種真誠的互動,是一種心有靈犀的一種感應。山河不足重,重在遇知己。有的時候,朋友在給我心靈的慰藉的同時,也給我前進的動力,因為自己知道,有那麼一群可愛的 朋友陪自己一起進步,自己從來都不孤孤獨。










What is a friend? A friend is a kind of sincere interaction, a kind of inspiration. The mountains and rivers are not important, the most important thing is to meet friends. Sometimes, my friends not only give me the comfort of my soul, but also the motivation to move forward, because I know that with such a lovely group of friends, I am never alone.


When I first entered the university, I gradually found that I had lost the ability to make friends, was out of step with the surrounding life, and walked alone in loneliness and confusion! In the process, I also got to know some friends, but found that they all drifted away in the end, and slowly no longer have communication, and I contacted my former friends more frequently, and the relationship became closer than before. I also doubt myself, what's wrong with me, is it my own problem, slowly, enjoying loneliness alone, and thinking slowly, maybe because I don't classify my friends


Every friend is an independent individual, which makes every friend’s thoughts and values slightly different. This makes us understand that every friend should label him. This label can make us better Communication and communication! Some friends are used to talk about heart, you can talk about ideals and goals in life, or ask him to point out the confusion in life; some friends are used to share life, you can share with him the little luck and bad luck in life Things can also be used to share feelings; some friends are used to share hobbies, camping, painting, watching dramas and other activities together, or sharing idol posters...

Here, some people may say whether this is too realistic. In fact, this is easy to understand. We should have different standards for different friends. For example: Would you talk about your ideals in life with a friend who thinks about how to eat and drink all day? I think: No doubt, no. In fact, in life, we will gradually find that when we are in different situations, the friends we can contact are different. This also allows us to get along with others better, because in the future, we don’t have to force our friends to give advice on our own difficulties, and we don’t have to force our friends to contact ourselves with hobbies...Of course, If all of your friends can satisfy you, then, lucky children, cherish your treasure friends!


My friends are a group of lovely people who can accompany me crazy and my philosophy of life. This is one of the strengths that I can move forward courageously on the road of my life. I hope all the lovely people in the world can have a group of lovely friends! At some stages of life, we will understand some truths, but fortunately: life is still beautiful! Perhaps, the journey of life is like this, spending a lot of time getting lost and growing in a few moments!





  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 濁者自濁,清者自清