

This books is an eye –opening for me. I have learned a lot from it.Relationship not only has to be based on love, respect, and honesty; it has to be interdependent—where two strong people love each other but never to the point of sacrificing their own happiness or values. To me, marriage, or any relationship, comes down to two people walking side by side through life, learning alone and together, and sharing what they’ve learned with each other as they keep growing and expanding.

And two people in love can attain both Interdependence and balance. With that balance, you each become a pillar strong enough to sustain love while living side by side. One partner doesn’t need to lean on, or crash into, or merge with the other. A strong pillar stands straight on its own. It’s perfect just by being itself, and from that place it chooses to share and to stand with another.


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