
You are capable of experiencing only that which is within the boundaries of your sensation.But if you throw the boundary of your sensation out in an expanded form,you can sit here and experience everyone as yourself.You can stretch it further and experience the very cosmos as you experience your own body.


When this sense of inclusiveness happened to me,I understood that being loving and compassionate is not an idea.To live in empathy is not some esoteric principle.This is the way a human being is made.If you do not identify with anything you have accumulated over a period of time,including your body and mind,you will be able to experience this.


Enlightenment is not an attainment or an achievement.It is a homecoming.Your senses give you the impression that you are experiencing the outside,but you have never experienced the outside.When you realize that all that you experience is within,that absolute homecoming is enlightenment.


My life is just devoted to evolving methods so that people can experience this inclusiveness.If we truly have to create solutions that are relevant for all,an experience of absolute inclusiveness has to happen to huamnity.And it is possible.


The reason why everyone is not naturally enlightened is simply this:people have categorized the world into good and bad,God and Devil,high and low,sacred and filthy,pure and impure,heaven and hell.These are parallel lines that will never meet.


Once you have fractured this existence within yourself,there is no way to reach a state of enduring well-being and freedom.You have been told to love your enemy.If you first label someone your enemy and then try to love him or her,it's going to be torturous!Once you have fragmented creation like this,there is no way to arrive at a state of absolute inclusiveness.


The problem is that human beings have lost a fundamental distinction---between inward and outward,between their way of being and the way they transact with the external world.Transactions are different,according to the nature of a situation or relationship.However romote or intimate,transactions are always governed by laws or norms.


  • 於德慶:做人不要太張揚〈雜文)
  • 春天,來了